What is a Survey?

As we saw in the introduction, the Survey is essentially a data.frame which stores some extra information about the variables and the survey as a whole. To do this, the Survey class is built on top of R6 and R6Frame.

Note: Because Survey is an R6 class, I have opted to use a capital S for the class name, and use lowercase letters for the constructor functions.

Let's start by reading in the sample data, creating a Survey again and looking at it's class:

sav <- read_data(system.file("extdata", "sample.sav", package = "reporttoolDT"))
srv <- survey(sav)

As we can see from the class of our srv object, it inherits from "R6" in addition to "Survey". When I say the Survey is essentially a data.frame, this is because the data rests inside the survey itself, and can be accessed using $:

# Show data/class
head(srv$data[, 1:5L], n = 3L)

If we look at the class again, we see that srv$data is just the same data that was read in and stored in the sav object. The difference is that survey() converts from labelled variables to factors, and stores the labels in the Survey instead of in the data. We can recreate this as follows:

sav_cleaned <- from_labelled(sav)
attr(sav_cleaned, "labels") <- NULL

all.equal(srv$data, sav_cleaned)

The last line shows that sav_cleaned is equal to the data stored in the survey.

Using $ with a survey

Because a Survey is implemented in R6, the $ operator is reserved for accessing the contents (seen above) and methods (explained below) of the Survey, and not columns in the data directly:

head(srv$data$q1, n = 1L)

Object oriented

R6 is a packages which helps us do object orientation in R. In practice this means that many functions are defined inside the Survey itself, and can be called using $. For instance, all get and set functions are defined inside the Survey and have S3 wrappers:

# S3 method for setting a label
srv <- set_label(srv, StartDate = "Date when respondent opened the Survey.")

# R6 method
srv$set_label(StartDate = "Timestamp when respondent opened the Survey.")

Both of these functions do the same thing, because the S3 method is just a function that calls the R6 method. However, the S3 method returns a copy of the Survey you passed to the function, while the R6 method modifies the existing survey (in place).


R6 objects are mutable, and since the Survey is built on R6, it is also mutable. This means that we can make changes to the Survey without having to assign (<-) the result, like you saw an example of above (R6 method for setting label). Because it is mutable, this allows the Survey to have hidden fields that behave like the data.table itself.

However, mutable objects are rather atypical for R objects, and so I have made the following decision in order to make methods more predictable:

Detailed usage

When you create a survey using survey(), the type of data.frame is not touched. If we also want to convert the data to a data.table or tbl_df, we can use one of the following functions:

dtm <- survey(data.table::as.data.table(sav)) # Option 1: Manual.
dt <- survey_dt(sav) # Option 2: Coerce using a survey constructor.

[ and [[

When working with surveys, we can use [ and [[ just like on a regular data.frame:

df <- survey_df(sav)
df[["test"]] <- "test"
df[1L, "test"]

Or data.table:

dt <- survey_dt(sav)
head(dt[, test := "test"][1L, test])

When subsetting a Survey, the new object will also be a Survey:

dt_slice <- dt[1:5L, .(test)]

But only if the operation returns an object that inherits from data.frame:

class(dt_slice[, test])

Overall, a Survey should behave like the underlying data. The only exception to this, is that $ is reserved for accessing public fields in R6 objects:

identical(df$test, df[["test"]])

Because the Survey class is implemented in R6, they are mutable and allows the Survey_dt subclass to have hidden fields behave similar to the data.table itself.

Hidden fields

As mentioned previously, the Survey lets us keep track of extra information to automate certain processes - these are kept in the following hidden fields:

To retrieve one or more labels, you can use get_label():

# Get the label for Q1 using the R6 method
q1_label <- dt$get_label("q1")

# S3 Method (recommended). Creates a copy and must be assigned.
q1_label <- get_label(dt, "q1")

# To get all labels, just drop the second argument
all_labels <- get_label(dt)

The object dt already contains labels in this case, because survey() has found them after reading in the SPSS-file in seamless. You can also set one or more labels manually using set_label():

# Get the label for Q1 using the R6 method
dt$set_label(q16 = "Ideal")

# S3 Method (recommended). Creates a copy and must be assigned.
dt <- set_label(dt, q6 = "Vs expectations")

# To set several labels, use the list argument.
dt <- set_label(dt, .list = list(q1 = "This is the mainentity", q3 = "Overall"))

This is more or less the pattern used to get or set all hidden fields in a Survey.

Get hidden fields:

Set hidden fields:

Having set the labels above, the Survey will keep track of them as the data changes:

dt_subset <- dt[, .(q3, q6, q16)]
names(dt_subset) <- paste0("example", 1:3L)
get_label(dt_subset) # No second argument, all labels are returned.

Model and entities

You can also use the function model() to return a list of variables in the data, their names, type and label:

# R6 method
model_example <- dt_subset$model()

# S3 (recommended)

If we set associations, these are also marked next to the variable type in the output from model():

dt_subset <- set_association(dt_subset, epsi = "example1")

You can also use .common = TRUE to guess associations based on variable names:

dt <- set_association(dt, .common = TRUE)
# Call model(dt) to see which variables have been identified.
get_association(dt, "mainentity")

After identifying common associations and having Q1 identified as our mainentity variable, we can use entities() to get a summary:


If we set a marketshare, associate "Andel_Missing" with missing-% and set cutoff in config:

dt <- set_association(dt, percent_missing = "Andel_Missing")
dt <- set_marketshare(dt, reporttool = 1L)
dt <- set_config(dt, cutoff = .1) # 10%

More information


vignette("introduction", package = "reporttoolDT")

Preparing data:

vignette("prepare", package = "reporttoolDT")

Other functions:

vignette("other", package = "reporttoolDT")

itsdalmo/reporttoolDT documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:11 a.m.