
#  sparsebnUtils-messages.R
#  sparsebnUtils
#  Created by Bryon Aragam (local) on 3/29/16.
#  Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Bryon Aragam. All rights reserved.

#       input_not_sparsebnData
#       alg_input_data_frame
#       has_missing_values
#       invalid_pkg_specification
#       pkg_not_installed
#       global_coerce_warning
#       feature_not_supported
#       invalid_class
#       dag_summary
#       empty_dag_summary
#       data_not_numeric
#       invalid_type_input

#' @name sparsebn-messages
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @title Messages
#' @description Warning and error messages for use in the \code{sparsebn} family
#' @param data data object.
#' @param count number of missing values.
#' @param pkg package name.
#' @param feature feature name.
#' @param actual class input by user.
#' @param expected class input expected by function.
#' @param nnode number of nodes in a DAG.
#' @param nedge number of edges in a DAG.
#' @param indices invalid indices
#' @param types valid input types

### User inputs invalid data object
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
input_not_sparsebnData <- function(data){
    sprintf("Input data must be a valid sparsebnData object! <Current type: %s>", class(data))

### User inputs data.frame instead of sparsebnData: Implicit coercion will happen
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
alg_input_data_frame <- function(){
    sprintf("Data input as a data.frame: In order to coerce your data to a valid sparsebnData object, we will assume the data is purely observational. In the future, it's best to do this yourself to prevent loss of information.")

### Data has missing values
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
has_missing_values <- function(count){
    sprintf("Data contains %d missing values. Presently, all of the methods in this package require complete data. Please impute these missing values before running any of the learning algorithms.", count)

### Invalid package requested by user
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
invalid_pkg_specification <- function(){
    sprintf("Incorrect package specified. Must be one of: 'graph', 'igraph', 'network'.")

### Required (suggested) package not installed
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
pkg_not_installed <- function(pkg){
    sprintf("The %s package is required in order to use this method. Please install it first.", pkg)

### Warning about coercion of objects in the global environment
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
global_coerce_warning <- function(pkg){
        sprintf("coerce set to TRUE: All fitted objects will be converted to use objects from the %s package internally.", pkg)
    } else{
        sprintf("coerce set to TRUE: All fitted objects will be reverted back to using default edgeList format.")

### Warning about feature that is not supported yet, but will be soon
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
feature_not_supported <- function(feature){
    sprintf("%s is not yet available, but may be supported in a future version of this package. Stay tuned!", feature)

### Notify user that function argument has incorrect or unexpected class
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
invalid_class <- function(actual, expected){
    sprintf("Invalid input! Expected <%s>, actual input was <%s>.", expected, actual)

### Used to summarize output of DAGs that are very big
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
dag_summary <- function(nnode, nedge){
    sprintf("Directed graph with %d nodes and %d edges.", nnode, nedge)

### Used to show output of DAG with no edges
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
empty_dag_summary <- function(nnode){
    sprintf("<Empty graph on %d nodes.>", nnode)

### Notify user that some columns are non-numeric in a dataset
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
data_not_numeric <- function(indices){
    paste0("Input columns must be numeric or integer! Columns ", paste(indices, collapse = ", "), " are invalid.")

### Notify user that an invalid type input to sparsebnData has been entered
#' @rdname sparsebn-messages
#' @export
invalid_type_input <- function(types){
    sprintf("Invalid type entered! Must be one of the following: %s.", paste(shQuote(types), collapse = ", "))
itsrainingdata/sparsebnUtils documentation built on June 5, 2019, 5:43 p.m.