
#' Aortic Stenosis RCT data
#' Data from 5 randomized controlled trials of transcatheter aortic valve
#' replacement vs surgery in patients with Aortic Stenosis. The outcome is time
#' until death from any cause. For each RCT, 
#' we reconstructed the individual patient data for each randomization group.
#' We first extracted the time and survival probability coordinates 
#' from the Kaplan-Meier curves using the 
#' DigitizeIt software (\url{http://www.digitizeit.de/}). We used 
#' these coordinates, the total numbers of events, and the 
#' numbers of participants at risk to determine individual
#' event times and event indicators. (Guyot, BMC Med Res Method 2012)
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(AorticStenosisTrials)
#' @note 
#' \tabular{ccc}{
#'   Trial ID \tab Trial Name \tab Last observed time (months)*\cr
#'   ----------------- \tab ------------------- \tab ---------------------\cr
#'   1 \tab NOTION \tab 24.0\cr
#'   2 \tab PARTNER \tab 63.3\cr
#'   3 \tab SURTAVI \tab 24.1\cr
#'   4 \tab PARTNER2 \tab 36.1\cr
#'   5 \tab USCoreValve \tab 24.1}
#' * minimum of the last observed times across the two randomization groups.
#' @references
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#'  published Kaplan-Meier survival curves. BMC Med Res Methodol 2012; 12:9.
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