
#' showNAInfo: show columns with NA value
#' @param df data.frame
#' @param na.prop numeric, default = 0.0
#' @return data.table, show columns with prop ('= #na_cnt/#total_cnt) equal or larger than na.prop
#' @examples
#' showNAInfo(flights)
#' @export

showNAInfo <- function(dt, na.prop = 0.0){
  # if (!'data.table' %in% loadedNamespaces()) {loadPackages('data.table')}
  t <- data.table(col = names(dt),
                  totalcnt = nrow(dt),
                  nacnt = apply(is.na(dt), MARGIN = 2, sum))
  message(is.data.table(t) == TRUE)
  t[, ':='(prop = round(nacnt / totalcnt, 6))]
  t[prop >= na.prop][order(-prop)]

#' fillNAs: fill NAs with the most frequent value(for numeric) or default value(for category)
#' @param dt data.table
#' @param col.name
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' @export

fillNAs <- function(dt, col.name, default.cat = 'None', default.num = NA){
  t <- dt[, get(col.name)]
  if (is.numeric(t)) {
    fillvalue <- ifelse(is.na(default.num), median(t, na.rm = TRUE), default.num)
  } else {
    fillvalue <- ifelse(is.na(default.cat), names(which.max(table(t))), default.cat)
  dt[is.na(get(col.name)), (col.name) := fillvalue]

#' formatCols: format columns types
#' @param dt data.table
#' @param col.name
#' @param col.type
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' @export
formatCols <- function(dt, col.names, col.type = 'factor'){
  cmdstring <- sprintf("dt[, (col.names) := lapply(.SD, as.%s), .SDcols = col.names]", col.type)
  eval(parse(text = cmdstring))

# viewSingleVar: table view of the distribution of variable x
viewSingleVar <- function(dt, col){
  dt[, .N, keyby = base::get(col)][, pct := sprintf("%.3f", N / sum(N))][]

# get_binCI ---------------------------------------------------------------
# get_binCI: confidence interval for binary variable
get_binCI  <- function(x, n) {
  bi <- binom.test(x, n)$conf.int
  data_frame(lwr = bi[1], upr = bi[2])

# Mode --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Mode: Return the value that occurs the most frequently in vector x
#' @param x vector
#' @return
#' @examples
#' Model(c(1,1,1,1:10))
#' @export

Mode <- function(x) {
  ux <- unique(x)
  ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]

#' plotCaretModel: plot caret model results
#' @param model caret fit model
#' @param
#' @param
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' @export
plotCaretModel <- function(model){
  ggplot(model) +
    coord_cartesian() +
iyaolin/RYLin documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:13 p.m.