fars_read_years: fars_read_years

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples


This function takes in an argument "years" containing a list of year values, then creates a vector file containing the names of the accident files for these year values. It then calls on the fars_read function to read each of these files into a data frame, create a new column called year using the mutate function from dplyr which would be populated with the appropriate year value, and return the month and year columns from each of these data frames as a list object. If there is no file corresponding to any of the year values, a NULL is returned instead of a data frame comprising the month and year columns.





A list of year values.


This function returns a list of data frames each containing 2 columns MONTH and year, or NULL (if an error is encountered trying to read the file of the corresponding year.)


dat_list <- fars_read_years(c(2013, 2014))

izlude83/week4 documentation built on May 14, 2019, 6:03 a.m.