knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


Every good recipe is built around simple ingredients. Likewise, bioinformatic pipelines, while complex, require some fundamental methods and data types that are the bare neccessities to any study implementing population genomic approaches.

In this tutorial, you will:

  1. Become familiar with some basic features of genomalicious.
  2. Develop familiarity with SNP data structures.
  3. Learn to use genomalicious functions to import and manipulate SNP data structures.

Getting to know genomalicious

Let's start by loading the genomalicious library into your R session.


Genomalicious contains a number of demonstrative toy datasets that you can experiment on. These need to be loaded in with the data() function and follow the naming convention, genomalicious_[data name], where [data name] is a unique identifier.

For example, let's take a look at a toy dataset of allele frequencies:


# Take a look at the structure of this data, the dim() function reports the dimensons.

# Print the data to screen.

You will notice that genomalicious_Freqs is a matrix with 4 rows and 8 columns. The rows contain the populations, whereas the columns contain the loci, and the cells contain allele frequencies. This data is in wide format, but we will dig into what this means a little later.

You can learn more about a dataset by using ? and the data object name, e.g. ?genomalicious_Freqs. We will look at other datasets in later tutorials, but you can peruse the various datasets by typing genomalicious_ and hitting the TAB key to get a list of options.

Loading VCFs into R

Variant call files (VCFs) are one of the typical end products from read assembly/variant calling pipelines. These files contain information about genotypes attributed to each sample and associated mapping and genotype calling statistics.

Genomalicious offers a very simple way to import VCFs into R as long format data tables, whereby loci and and populations are both in rows. C.f. with the wide format data described above.

We will now import a demo VCF into R using the vcf2DT() function. First, we need to find where genomalicious is installed and make a path to the demo file.

# Create a link to raw external datasets in genomalicious
genomaliciousExtData <- paste0(find.package('genomalicious'), '/extdata')

# This command here shows you the VCF file that comes with genomalicious
list.files(genomaliciousExtData, pattern='_poolseq.vcf')

# Use this to create a path to that file
vcfPath <- paste0(genomaliciousExtData, '/genomalicious_poolseq.vcf')

# The value of vcfPath with depend on your system

You can naviagte yourself to the path stored in vcfPath and open the VCF using a text editor. However, we can simply read the lines of the file and print them to screen:

# Read in and print the first 10 lines of the demo VCF
head(readLines(vcfPath), 10)

This demo VCF was constructed more simply for the purpose of this tutorial, but follows the same basic structure of that produced from variant calling software. You will see that the text is interspersed with \t: these indicate tabs that separate the various columns in the file.

A VCF has the following components:

  1. A comments section marked with double hashtags, ##. These typically contain details about the contents of the VCF or how the reads were called.
  2. A heading section marked with a single hashtag, #. This is effectively the column names for the wide format SNP data.
  3. All lines proceeding contain SNP data.

VCFs can be a bit tricky to interpret when you first see them. All columns before FORMAT contain information about the SNP (i.e. the chromosome, its position, the alleles). FORMAT itself contains a text string detailing the contents of the sample columns. Note, the contents of FORMAT are typically described in the comments section. We therefore know that DP:RO:AO represent the total read depth (DP), and the counts of the referece (RO) and alternate (AO) allele. Also note the difference in DP stored in the INFO column (read depth across all samples) and that in FORMAT (read depth within each sample).

All sample columns occur after FORMAT (e.g. Pop1_Rep1, Pop1_Rep2) and continue to the end of the line. Within each sample column, the values described in FORMAT are stored, with each value separated by a :. This demo VCF contains read data from a replicated pool-seq experiment. Individuals from four populations were pooled into a single library, and three replicate libraries were sequenced. The reads associated with each population replicate, for each SNP, are detailed in the i-by-j row-column coordinates.

For more in depth descriptions of VCFs, you should check out the resources provided by the developers of samtools, here.

Now that we understand the data we are working with, let's import it into R.

# Import VCF into R using the path name
poolSnps <- vcf2DT(vcfPath)

# First 8 rows of the imported SNP data
head(poolSnps, 8)

# The imported data is stored as a data.table object

As you can see, the function vcf2DT() converts the wide format VCF data into a long format data table. Instead of a single column for each sample (and loci in rows), all possible sample-by-locus combinations are stored in the rows of poolSnps, with a single column each for samples and loci. Using the $ notation, you can access these columns as vecotrs.

# Column vector for sample and loci


Typically in these tutorials, and throughout the documentation for genomalicious, I will use $ to indicate nested vectors of R objects (e.g. columns, list items).

Data tables for storing SNP data

Genomalicious is largely built around data.table classed objects. Data tables feel and more-or-less function as per standard R data.frame objects, but they differ in two major ways. Firstly, they are much more efficient at storing large volumes of data. Secondly, they have some nifty features that facilitate easy data manipualtions. Though the purpose of this tutorial is not to provide a detailed demonstration of data.table object features (you can find that, here), let's just take a quick look at how you can harness the power of data tables:

# Subset rows by depth.
poolSnps[DP > 110,]

# You can apply functions to columns, for example,
# take the mean depth.
poolSnps[, mean(DP)]

# You can even specify subsets of the data that you want to
# apply the function to, for example, take the mean depth
# for each locus.
poolSnps[, mean(DP), by=LOCUS]

# You can also use this feature of column manipulation to
# apply a function to the data and create a new column using
# the ':=' notation. For example, add a new column
# containting the frequency of reads that contain the
# reference allele.
poolSnps[, R.FREQ:=RO/DP]
head(poolSnps, 4)

Many functions in genomalicious take long format data.table objects as their direct input. From personal experience, I find data tables from 100s of individuals, and 1,000s to 10,000s of SNP loci are very manageable, though they may take a moment to load into R (especially when importing from a VCF). However, I believe the ease, simplicity, and versatility of working with data tables makes them an excellent object class for reduced representation SNPs.

Data tables are also easily transformed into matrices and pure data frames:

# Converting to a matrix
matDat <- as.matrix(poolSnps)
head(matDat, 4)

# Converting to a data frame
dfDat <-
head(dfDat, 4)

Data structures: Long-to-wide format and genotype values

Though many functions in R expect data structured in long format, there are lots of others that require data to be wide format, especially many population genetics/genomics packages. Remember, in long form, loci-by-sample combinations are all in rows, whereas in wide format, samples are in rows and loci are in columns.

There are two functions in genomalicious for long-to-wide conversions: DT2Mat_freqs() for allele frequencies, and DT2Mat_genos() for individual genotypes. Both return an R matrix object.

Let's first try with the pooled SNP data we imported at the start of this lesson. Earlier, you made a column in poolSnps, $R.FREQ, that contained the frequnecy of reads per sample of the reference allele. We will treat column $R.FREQ as an estimate of the sample allele frequency.

DT2Mat_freqs() requires specification of the sample, locus, and allele frequency columns in the long format data table as the arguments, popCol, locusCol, and freqCol, respectively:

# Convert long format data table of allele frequencies to a matrix
freqMat <- DT2Mat_freqs(poolSnps, popCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS', freqCol='R.FREQ')

# Check the class

# Sample names are stored in the rows of the matrix

# Loci names are stored in the columns of the matrix

There is also a way to go in reverse — that is, convert the wide format matrix back into a long format data frame. This is done by specifying the argument flip=TRUE (default vlaue is set to FALSE). Doing so requires the input to be a wide format matrix, and specifying popCol, locusCol, and freqCol is required to determine the names of these columns in the new output long format data table.

freqDT <- DT2Mat_freqs(freqMat, popCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS', freqCol='R.FREQ', flip=TRUE)
head(freqDT, 8)

Up to this point, we have worked with pooled sequence data and allele frequencies. Let's now take a look at individually genotyped data. We will import a genomalicious dataset of four populations:

# Import the dataset
indSnps <- genomalicious_4pops

# Have a look at its structure

# The number of unique samples, per population
indSnps[, length(unique(SAMPLE)), by=POP]

# The number of unique loci

You would have noticed a column in indSnps called $GT: this column contains information on each sample's genotype at a particular locus. '0' is the reference allele and '1' is the alternate allele; each allele is separated by a '/'. This is a separated format of genotype values. However, another way of representing genotypes is via counts of one of the alleles, e.g. '0', '1', or '2'.

Typically when genotypes are represented as allele counts, we assume biallelic data. If a diploid individual possess two alleles per locus, then it is only possible to keep track of a maximum of two unique alleles. In reality, there are other ways to work around this, but many population genomic analyses are constrained to be on biallelic SNPs.

The function genoscore_converter() can be used to convert between the different ways of scoaring genotype values. The input into this function is simply a vector of genotypes. If inputting the separated format, the vector must be a character class object. If inputting allele count format, the vector is ideally integer class object. The function bases its counts of the reference allele, hence a genotype of '0/0' is equivalent to '2'.

# Practise run with simple vectors
genoscore_converter(c('0/0', '0/1', '1/1'))

genoscore_converter(c(0L, 1, 2))

# Now manipulate the data table of genotypes
indSnps[, GT:=genoscore_converter(GT)]

head(indSnps, 8)

Finally, let's practise converting a long data table of genotypes into a genotype matrix, using DT2Mat_genos(). The arguments are the same as DT2Mat_freqs(), with addtion of the genoScore argument, which specifies whether the genotypes should be returned in the separated or count format.

# Make a matrix of genotypes in separated format
genoMat.sep <- DT2Mat_genos(indSnps, sampCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT', genoScore='sep')

genoMat.sep[1:8, 1:4]

# Make a matrix of genotypes in counts format
genoMat.counts <- DT2Mat_genos(indSnps, sampCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT', genoScore='counts')

genoMat.counts[1:8, 1:4]

# Convert counts genotype matrix into long format data table
# of separated alleles
genoDT.sep <- DT2Mat_genos(genoMat.counts, sampCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT', genoScore='sep', flip=TRUE)

head(genoDT.sep, 8)

# Convert separated genotype matrix in long format data table
# of reference allele counts
genoDT.counts <- DT2Mat_genos(genoMat.counts, sampCol='SAMPLE', locusCol='LOCUS', genoCol='GT', genoScore='counts', flip=TRUE)

head(genoDT.counts, 8)


This concludes the 'Basic Ingredients' tutorial. You should now be comfortable with the basic functionality of genomalicious for importing SNP data into R. You have also familiarised yourself with SNP data structures and learnt how genomalicious can be used to do some basic manipulations that are common in population genetic/genomic analyses.

j-a-thia/genomalicious documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m.