
CountryList <- c(
    "Cote d'Ivoire",
    "South Africa",
    "South Sudan",

LeafletCountryList <- c(
    "C<f4>te d'Ivoire",
    "Dem. Rep. Congo",
    "South Africa",
    "S. Sudan",
    "C\364te d'Ivoire"

SourceList <- data.frame(
    name = c(
        "Please select source...",
        "Case based surveillance - nationally representative",
        "Case based surveillance with caveats - e.g. not nationally representative",
        "Estimate - source data not clear",
        "GARPR  / Spectrum",
        "Mathematical model - nationally representative",
        "Mathematical model - non-nationally representative",
        "Nationally representative study  - cohort / cross-sectional",
        "Program data - adjusted (e.g. for under-reporting) and/or large geographical coverage",
        "Program data - not adjusted and/or small geographical coverage",
        "Sub-national study",
        "Vital statistics"
    weight = c(

SourceListTable <- data.frame(
    Source = c(
        "Case based surveillance - nationally representative",
        "Case based surveillance with caveats - e.g. not nationally representative",
        "Estimate - source data not clear",
        "GARPR  / Spectrum",
        "Mathematical model - nationally representative",
        "Mathematical model - non-nationally representative",
        "Nationally representative study  - cohort / cross-sectional",
        "Program data - adjusted (e.g. for under-reporting) and/or large geographical coverage",
        "Program data - not adjusted and/or small geographical coverage",
        "Sub-national study",
        "Vital statistics"
    Weight = c(

YearList <- seq(2010, 2015, 1)

ErrorList <- as.character(seq(from = 0.1, to = 10, by = 0.1))

VariableNames <- c(

InterventionList <- c("Testing", "Linkage", "Pre-ART Retention", "Initiation", "Adherence", "ART Retention")
jackolney/CascadeDashboard documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:56 a.m.