Man pages for jackwasey/icd
Comorbidity Calculations and Tools for ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes

apply_hierApply hierarchy and choose naming for each comorbidity map
as.comorbidity_mapSet the class of a named list to show it is a comorbidity...
as.decimal_diagGet or set whether ICD codes have have an attribute...
attr_decimal_diagSet ICD short-form diagnosis code attribute
attr_short_diagSet short diagnosis flag in C++
categorize_simpleCategorize codes according to a mapping
chapters_to_mapConvert chapters to lists of codes for use as a comorbidity...
charlsonCalculate Charlson Comorbidity Index (Charlson Score)
charlson_from_comorbidCalculate Charlson scores from precomputed Charlson...
childrenGet children of ICD codes
combineCombine ICD codes
comorbidFind comorbidities from ICD-9 codes.
comorbid_df_to_matconvert comorbidity matrix to data frame
comorbid_hccGet Hierarchical Condition Codes (HCC)
comorbid_mat_to_dfconvert comorbidity data frame from matrix
condenseCondense ICD-9 code by replacing complete families with...
convertConvert ICD data between formats and structures.
count_codesCount ICD codes or comorbidities for each patient
count_codes_wideCount ICD codes given in wide format
count_comorbidCount number of comorbidities per patient
crsequence columns of comorbidities
decimal_to_shortConvert Decimal format ICD codes to short format
diff_comorbidshow the difference between two comorbidity mappings
download_all_icd_dataDownload all the additional data at once
expand_rangeGenerate a set of codes between two ICD codes including...
expand_range.icd10cmExpand range of ICD-10 codes returning only defined codes in...
expand_range_majorExpand two major codes to a range
explain_codeExplain ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes in English
explain_tableExplain ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes in English from decimal...
explain_table_workergenerate table of ICD code explanations
filter_poaFilters data frame based on present-on-arrival flag
filter_validFilter ICD codes by validity.
generate_neds_ptsGenerate simulated 'NEDS' data for 'PCCC' and bigger wide...
get_billableGet the subset of codes that are billable according to...
get_cim10fr2019Localised synonym for 'get_icd10fr2019', with French column...
get_definedSelect only defined ICD codes
get_icd10be2014Belgian ICD-10-BE
get_icd10be2014_pcICD-10-BE 2014 procedure codes
get_icd10be2017ICD-10-BE 2017
get_icd10be2017_pcICD-10-BE 2017 procedure codes
get_icd10cm2014ICD-10-CM 2014
get_icd10cm2014_pcICD-10-CM Procedure codes for 2014
get_icd10cm2015ICD-10-CM 2015
get_icd10cm2015_pcICD-10-CM Procedure codes for 2015
get_icd10cm2016ICD-10-CM 2016
get_icd10cm2016_pcICD-10-CM Procedure codes for 2016
get_icd10cm2017ICD-10-CM 2017
get_icd10cm2017_pcICD-10-CM Procedure codes for 2017
get_icd10cm2018ICD-10-CM 2018
get_icd10cm2018_pcICD-10-CM Procedure codes for 2018
get_icd10cm2019ICD-10-CM 2019
get_icd10cm2019_pcICD-10-CM Procedure Codes
get_icd10cm_availableGet the ICD-10-CM versions available in this package
get_icd10cm_latestThe latest available version of ICD-10-CM in this package
get_icd10cm_versionGet the data for a given version (four-digit year) of...
get_icd10fr2019French ICD-10-FR modification of WHO ICD-10 used in France
get_icd10who2008fr2008 WHO ICD-10 data in French
get_icd10who20162016 WHO ICD-10 data
get_icd9cm2014_leafICD-9-CM, just billable/leaf codes
get_invalidGet invalid ICD codes
get_leafGet billable ICD codes
get_validinvalid subset of decimal or short_code ICD-9 codes
guess_shortGuess whether codes are 'short_code' or 'decimal_code'
guess_versionGuess version of ICD codes
icd10_chaptersICD-10 chapters
icd10cm2019United States and Belgium ICD-10-CM
icd10_comorbid_reduceICD-10 comorbidities by reducing problem size
icd10_map_ahrq_pcsAHRQ ICD-10-PCS categories
icd10_sub_chaptersICD-10 sub-chapters
icd9_chaptersICD-9 chapters
icd9cm2014_leafThe final ICD-9-CM list of leaf ('billable') codes
icd9cm_hierarchyICD-9-CM diagnosis codes including leaf nodes and branch...
icd9MajMinToCodeConvert 'mjr' and 'mnr' vectors to single code
icd9_map_ahrqAHRQ comorbidities
icd9_map_elixElixhauser comorbidities
icd9_map_hccMedicare Hierarchical Condition Categories
icd9_map_pcccPediatric Complex Chronic Conditions
icd9_map_quan_deyoQuan adaptation of Deyo/Charlson comorbidities
icd9_map_quan_elixQuan adaptation of Elixhauser comorbidities
icd9_map_single_ccsClinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD9/10-CM
icd9_sub_chaptersICD-9 sub-chapters
icd-packageicd: Comorbidity Calculations and Tools for ICD-9 and ICD-10...
is_billableCheck whether a code is billable according to ICD-9-CM or...
is_definedCheck whether ICD-9 codes exist
is.icd9Test presence of ICD classes
is.icd_long_dataTest for class describing patient data
is_leafDetermine whether codes are billable leaf-nodes
is_validCheck whether ICD-9 codes are syntactically valid
is_valid_majorTest whether an ICD code is major
long_to_wideConvert ICD data from long to wide format
names_elixComorbidity names
plot_comorbidBasic ordered bar plot showing counts of each comorbidity
poa_choicesPresent-on-admission flags
print.comorbidity_mapPrint a comorbidity map
print.icd9Print ICD codes and comorbidity maps cleanly
set_icd10cm_active_yearGet or set the annual version of ICD-10-CM to use
set_icd_classConstruct ICD-9 and ICD-10 data types
set_icd_data_dirSet up the data download cache, give permission to download...
shortcode_icd9set 'short_to_decimal' attribute
short_to_decimalConvert ICD codes from short to decimal forms
sort_icdSort or order ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes according to published...
subsetextract subset(s) from ICD data
sub-sub-.comorbidity_mapExtract vector of codes from an ICD comorbidity map
uranium_pathologyUnited States Transuranium & Uranium Registries
van_walravenCalculate van Walraven Elixhauser Score
vermont_dxHospital discharge data from Vermont
wide_to_longConvert ICD data from wide to long format
wide_vs_longSet the ICD data structure class of a 'matrix' or...
with_icd10cm_versionEvaluate code with a particular version of ICD-10-CM
jackwasey/icd documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 9:56 a.m.