
Defines functions icd9ComorbidShortCpp icd9MajMinToCode icd9MajMinToShort icd9MajMinToDecimal icd9PartsToShort icd9PartsToDecimal icd9MajMinToParts icd9MajMinToParts_list icd9ShortToPartsCpp icd9DecimalToPartsCpp icd9ShortToDecimal icd9DecimalToShortOld icd9DecimalToShort icd9GetMajor icd9GetMajorShort icd9IsA icd9LongToWideCpp icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajorSingle icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajorSingleStd icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajor icd9AddLeadingZeroesShort icd9AddLeadingZeroesDecimal icd9AddLeadingZeroes icd9ExpandMinorShim icd9ChildrenShortCpp icd9ChildrenDecimalCpp icd9ChildrenCpp icd9InReferenceCode trimLeftCpp strimCpp trimCpp assertFactorOrCharacter getOmpCores getOmpMaxThreads getOmpThreads randomMajorCpp icd9RandomShortN icd9RandomShortV icd9RandomShortE icd9RandomShort fastIntToStringStd fastIntToStringRcpp callgrindStart valgrindCallgrindStart

Documented in fastIntToStringRcpp fastIntToStringStd icd9AddLeadingZeroes icd9AddLeadingZeroesDecimal icd9AddLeadingZeroesShort icd9ComorbidShortCpp icd9DecimalToPartsCpp icd9DecimalToShort icd9DecimalToShortOld icd9GetMajor icd9GetMajorShort icd9InReferenceCode icd9IsA icd9PartsToDecimal icd9PartsToShort icd9RandomShort icd9ShortToDecimal icd9ShortToPartsCpp

# This file was generated by Rcpp::compileAttributes
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @rdname icd9Comorbid
#' @description RcppParallel approach to comorbidity assignment with OpenMP and vector of integers strategy. It is very
#'   fast, and most time is now spent setting up the data to be passed in.
#' @param aggregate single logical value, if /code{TRUE}, then take (possible much) more time to aggregate
#'   out-of-sequence visit IDs in the icd9df data.frame. If this is \code{FALSE}, then each contiguous group of visit
#'   IDs will result in a row of comorbidities in the output data. If you know your visitIds are possible disordered,
#'   then use \code{TRUE}.
#' @keywords internal
icd9ComorbidShortCpp <- function(icd9df, icd9Mapping, visitId, icd9Field, threads = 8L, chunkSize = 256L, ompChunkSize = 1L, aggregate = TRUE) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ComorbidShortCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9df, icd9Mapping, visitId, icd9Field, threads, chunkSize, ompChunkSize, aggregate)

icd9MajMinToCode <- function(major, minor, isShort) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9MajMinToCode', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major, minor, isShort)

icd9MajMinToShort <- function(major, minor) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9MajMinToShort', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major, minor)

icd9MajMinToDecimal <- function(major, minor) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9MajMinToDecimal', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major, minor)

#' @rdname convert
#' @keywords internal manip
icd9PartsToShort <- function(parts) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9PartsToShort', PACKAGE = 'icd9', parts)

#' @rdname convert
#' @keywords internal manip
icd9PartsToDecimal <- function(parts) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9PartsToDecimal', PACKAGE = 'icd9', parts)

icd9MajMinToParts <- function(major, minor) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9MajMinToParts', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major, minor)

icd9MajMinToParts_list <- function(major, minor) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9MajMinToParts_list', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major, minor)

#' @rdname convert
#' @keywords internal manip
icd9ShortToPartsCpp <- function(icd9Short, minorEmpty) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ShortToPartsCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Short, minorEmpty)

#' @rdname convert
#' @keywords internal manip
icd9DecimalToPartsCpp <- function(icd9Decimal, minorEmpty) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9DecimalToPartsCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Decimal, minorEmpty)

#' @title Convert ICD-9 codes between short and decimal forms
#' @description Convert ICD-9 codes between short and decimal forms
#' @template icd9-short
#' @template icd9-decimal
#' @export
icd9ShortToDecimal <- function(icd9Short) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ShortToDecimal', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Short)

#' @rdname icd9ShortToDecimal
#' @export
icd9DecimalToShortOld <- function(icd9Decimal) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9DecimalToShortOld', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Decimal)

#' @rdname convert
#' @export
icd9DecimalToShort <- function(icd9Decimal) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9DecimalToShort', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Decimal)

#' @title Get major (three-digit) part of ICD-9 codes
#' @description This is reasonably fast, but calculates all the minors, then throws away the result.
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template isShort
#' @keywords internal manip
#' @export
icd9GetMajor <- function(icd9, isShort) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9GetMajor', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9, isShort)

#' @rdname icd9GetMajor
#' @keywords internal manip
icd9GetMajorShort <- function(icd9Short) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9GetMajorShort', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Short)

#' @title test whether elements of vector begin with V, E (or any other
#'   character)
#' @description Current returns a std::vector<bool> which is not thread safe,
#'   or particularly fast, although it is memory efficient in the standard
#'   borked implementation. As of icd9 version 1.2, this is not called by
#'   threaded code, but this could change, so beware! ASCII spaces are trimmed
#'   from the start of the string before testing, but no other whitesapce
#' @param sv std::vector<std::string>&
#' @param x const char* of choices of first character to match
#' @keywords internal
icd9IsA <- function(sv, x, invert = FALSE) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9IsA', PACKAGE = 'icd9', sv, x, invert)

icd9LongToWideCpp <- function(icd9df, visitId, icd9Field, aggregate = TRUE) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9LongToWideCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9df, visitId, icd9Field, aggregate)

icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajorSingle <- function(major) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajorSingle', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major)

icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajorSingleStd <- function(m) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajorSingleStd', PACKAGE = 'icd9', m)

icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajor <- function(major) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9AddLeadingZeroesMajor', PACKAGE = 'icd9', major)

#' @rdname icd9AddLeadingZeroes
icd9AddLeadingZeroesShort <- function(icd9Short) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9AddLeadingZeroesShort', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Short)

#' @rdname icd9AddLeadingZeroes
icd9AddLeadingZeroesDecimal <- function(icd9Decimal) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9AddLeadingZeroesDecimal', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Decimal)

#' @title Add leading zeroes to incomplete ICD codes
#' @description Non-decimal ICD-9 codes with length<5 are often ambiguous. E.g.
#'   100 could be 1.00 10.0 or 100 if coded incorrectly. We must assume 100 is
#'   really 100
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template icd9-short
#' @template icd9-decimal
#' @template major
#' @return character vector of ICD codes (or major part thereof)
#' @keywords internal manip
icd9AddLeadingZeroes <- function(icd9, isShort) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9AddLeadingZeroes', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9, isShort)

icd9ExpandMinorShim <- function(minor, isE = FALSE) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ExpandMinorShim', PACKAGE = 'icd9', minor, isE)

icd9ChildrenShortCpp <- function(icd9Short, onlyReal) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ChildrenShortCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Short, onlyReal)

icd9ChildrenDecimalCpp <- function(icd9Decimal, onlyReal) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ChildrenDecimalCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9Decimal, onlyReal)

icd9ChildrenCpp <- function(icd9, isShort, onlyReal = TRUE) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9ChildrenCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9, isShort, onlyReal)

#' @title match ICD9 codes
#' @description Finds children of \code{icd9Reference} and looks for \code{icd9} in the
#'   resulting vector.
#' @templateVar icd9AnyName "icd9,icd9Reference"
#' @template icd9-any
#' @template isShort
#' @param isShortReference logical, see argument \code{isShort}
#' @return logical vector
#' @keywords internal
icd9InReferenceCode <- function(icd9, icd9Reference, isShort, isShortReference = TRUE) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9InReferenceCode', PACKAGE = 'icd9', icd9, icd9Reference, isShort, isShortReference)

trimLeftCpp <- function(s) {
    .Call('icd9_trimLeftCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', s)

strimCpp <- function(s) {
    .Call('icd9_strimCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', s)

trimCpp <- function(sv) {
    .Call('icd9_trimCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', sv)

assertFactorOrCharacter <- function(x) {
    .Call('icd9_assertFactorOrCharacter', PACKAGE = 'icd9', x)

getOmpCores <- function() {
    .Call('icd9_getOmpCores', PACKAGE = 'icd9')

getOmpMaxThreads <- function() {
    .Call('icd9_getOmpMaxThreads', PACKAGE = 'icd9')

getOmpThreads <- function() {
    .Call('icd9_getOmpThreads', PACKAGE = 'icd9')

randomMajorCpp <- function(n) {
    .Call('icd9_randomMajorCpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', n)

icd9RandomShortN <- function(n = 5L) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9RandomShortN', PACKAGE = 'icd9', n)

icd9RandomShortV <- function(n = 5L) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9RandomShortV', PACKAGE = 'icd9', n)

icd9RandomShortE <- function(n = 5L) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9RandomShortE', PACKAGE = 'icd9', n)

#' @title generate random short-form icd9 E codes
#' @description Very dirty pseudorandom by picking numeric, V or E based on modulo 3 of the number
#' @keywords internal
icd9RandomShort <- function(n = 5L) {
    .Call('icd9_icd9RandomShort', PACKAGE = 'icd9', n)

#' @rdname fastIntToString
#' @title fast convert integer vector to character vector
#' @description fast convert integer vector to character vector
#' @param x td::vector<int>
#' @param bufferSize int if any input strings are longer than this number (default 16) there will be memory errors.
#'   No checks done for speed.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pts <- randomPatients(1e7)
#' # conclusion: buffer size matters little (so default to be more generous), and Rcpp version fastest.
#' microbenchmark::microbenchmark(fastIntToStringStd(pts$visitId, buffer = 8),
#'                                fastIntToStringStd(pts$visitId, buffer = 16),
#'                                fastIntToStringStd(pts$visitId, buffer = 64),
#'                                fastIntToStringRcpp(pts$visitId, buffer = 8),
#'                                fastIntToStringRcpp(pts$visitId, buffer = 16),
#'                                fastIntToStringRcpp(pts$visitId, buffer = 64),
#'                                as.character(pts$visitId),
#'                                asCharacterNoWarn(pts$visitId), times = 5)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
fastIntToStringStd <- function(x) {
    .Call('icd9_fastIntToStringStd', PACKAGE = 'icd9', x)

#' @rdname fastIntToString
fastIntToStringRcpp <- function(x) {
    .Call('icd9_fastIntToStringRcpp', PACKAGE = 'icd9', x)

callgrindStart <- function(zerostats = FALSE) {
    .Call('icd9_callgrindStart', PACKAGE = 'icd9', zerostats)

valgrindCallgrindStart <- function(zerostats = FALSE) {
    .Call('icd9_valgrindCallgrindStart', PACKAGE = 'icd9', zerostats)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
methods::setLoadAction(function(ns) {
    .Call('icd9_RcppExport_registerCCallable', PACKAGE = 'icd9')
jackwasey/icd9 documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:57 a.m.