

starting_nums <- c("1",

starting_names <- c("identifier_code",

monthly_nums <- c("88-92",

monthly_names <- c("replace_reported_commercial_sex_acts",

report_code_value_labels <- c("replace_report_code = ",
                              "X = no human trafficking information reported",
                              "Q = type 14, no report",
                              "N = data received")
report_code_value_labels <- repeated_label_replace_fixer(report_code_value_labels,

all_month_names <- repeated_label_replace_fixer(monthly_names, tolower(month.abb))

all_month_nums <- c(monthly_nums,
                    setup_num_adder(monthly_nums, 75, 11))

human_trafficking_value_labels <- c(state_group_division_value_labels,
                                    "core_city_indication = ",
                                    "Y = core city of MSA",
                                    "N = not core city of MSA",
                                    "covered_by_population_group = ",
                                    "0  = possessions",
                                    "1  = city 250,000+",
                                    "1A = city 1,000,000+",
                                    "1B = city 500,000 thru 999,999",
                                    "1C = city 250,000 thru 499,999",
                                    "2  = city 100,000 thru 249,999",
                                    "3  = city 50,000 thru 99,999",
                                    "4  = city 25,000 thru 49,999",
                                    "5  = city 10,000 thru 24,999",
                                    "6  = city 2,500 thru 9,999",
                                    "7  = city under 2,500",
                                    "8  = non-msa county",
                                    "8A = non-msa county 100,000+",
                                    "8B = non-msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
                                    "8C = non-msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
                                    "8D = non-msa county under 10,000",
                                    "8E = non-msa state police",
                                    "9  = msa-county",
                                    "9A = msa-county 100,000+",
                                    "9B = msa-county 25,000 thru 99,999",
                                    "9C = msa-county 10,000 thru 24,999",
                                    "9D = msa-county under 10,000",
                                    "9E = msa state police",

col_positions <- c(starting_nums,

col_labels <- c(starting_names,

make_sps_setup(file_name     = "human_trafficking",
                                 col_positions = col_positions,
                                 col_labels    = col_labels,
                                 value_labels  = human_trafficking_value_labels)
jacobkap/crime_data documentation built on April 16, 2023, 11:58 p.m.