str_replace_all_lower <- function(string, pattern) {
str_replace_all(tolower(string), pattern)
shr_names <- c("SUBC.*" = "SUBCIRCUMSTANCE",
"OFFENDER_([0-9]+)_CIR.*" = "CIRCUMSTANCE_\\1",
"OFFENDER_([0-9]+)_REL.*" = "RELATIONSHIP_\\1",
"SMSA" = "MSA",
"_1$|_9028$" = "",
"^ORI_CODE$" = "ORI",
weapons <- c("^oth -type dk$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^handgun -pistol,$" = "handgun",
"^knife - cutting$" = "knife or cutting instrument",
"^personal weapons$" = "personal weapons - includes beating",
"^narcotics drugs$" = "narcotics/drugs - includes sleeping pills",
"^firearm,type dk$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^strangulation$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^asphyxiation-gas$" = "asphyxiation - includes death by gas",
"^pushed - thrown$" = "pushed or thrown out of window",
"^pushed or thrown out window$" = "pushed or thrown out of window",
"^oth gun-unknown$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^poison - not gas$" = "poison - does not include gas",
"^inap, only one offender$" = NA,
"^handgun - pistol, revolver, etc$" = "handgun",
"^other - type of weapon not designated$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^blunt object - hammer, club, etc$" = "blunt object",
"^narcotics or drugs, sleeping pills$" = "narcotics/drugs - includes sleeping pills",
"^inap$" = NA,
"^handgun-pstl,etc$" = "handgun",
"^oth -type unk$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^strangulatn-hang$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^firearm,type unk$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^pushd out wndw$" = "pushed or thrown out of window",
"^90$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^inap only 1 offndr$" = NA,
"^hndgn-pstl rvlvr etc$" = "handgun",
"^knfe/cttg instrmnt$" = "knife or cutting instrument",
"^frarm type not sttd$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^narcotics/drugs$" = "narcotics/drugs - includes sleeping pills",
"^othr-wpn nt dsgntd$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^psn-not inclde gas$" = "poison - does not include gas",
"^strngltn-hngng$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^asphxtn-inlds dth gas$" = "asphyxiation - includes death by gas",
"^frrm type not sttd$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^strngltn-hangg$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^asphyxtn-dth/gas$" = "asphyxiation - includes death by gas",
"^pshd/thrwn out wndw$" = "pushed or thrown out of window",
"^knife-cut inst$" = "knife or cutting instrument",
"^strangulat -hang$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^knife/cttg instrmt$" = "knife or cutting instrument",
"^strangulat -hang$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^hndgn-pstl rvlvr$" = "handgun",
"^othr-type nt dsgntd$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^other$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^frrm not stated$" = "firearm, type not stated",
".*inap.*" = NA,
"^knfe/cttg instrmt$" = "knife or cutting instrument",
"^strngltn-hanging$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^strngltn-hngg$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^othr-tpe wpn nt dsgd$" = "other or unknown weapon",
"^firarm tpe nt sttd$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^asphxtn-dth gas$" = "asphyxiation - includes death by gas",
"^personl weapons$" = "personal weapons - includes beating",
"^personal weapons, includes beating$" = "personal weapons - includes beating",
"^blnt objct$" = "blunt object",
"^strangulat-hang$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^strangulation - hanging$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^frrm type nt sttd$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^asphxtn-dth gas$" = "asphyxiation - includes death by gas",
"^personl weapons$" = "personal weapons - includes beating",
"^strangulation-hangg$" = "strangulation - includes hanging",
"^frrm not sttd$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^firrm type nt sttd$" = "firearm, type not stated",
"^poison -not gas$" = "poison - does not include gas",
"^knfe/cttng instrmnt$" = "knife or cutting instrument",
"^other-wpn nt dsgntd$" = "other or unknown weapon"
ethnic <- c("^not of hispanic origin$" = "not hispanic",
"^hispanic origin$" = "hispanic",
"^not hispanic or latino$" = "not hispanic",
"^hispanic or latino$" = "hispanic",
"^not of hispanic$" = "not hispanic",
"^unknown-not rept$" = "unknown",
"^unknown or not reported$" = "unknown",
"^not reported$" = "unknown",
"^unknown/not rpt$" = "unknown",
"^not of hisp orgn$" = "not hispanic",
"^hisp origin$" = "hispanic",
"^not of hisp origin$" = "not hispanic",
".*inap.*" = NA,
"^not hisp orgn$" = "not hispanic",
"^unknown or not reported by law enforceme$" = "unknown")
country_division_fix <- c("^1$" = "New England States",
"^2$" = "Middle Atlantic States",
"^3$" = "East North Central States",
"^4$" = "West North Central States",
"^5$" = "South Atlantic States",
"^6$" = "East South Central States",
"^7$" = "West South Central States",
"^8$" = "Mountain States",
"^9$" = "Pacific States")
group_number_fix <- c("^smsa counties$" = "msa county",
"^citie bet 25-49k$" = "city 25,000 thru 49,999",
"^all cities 250k\\+$" = "city 250,000+",
"^citie bet 10-24k$" = "city 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^cit bet 2.5-9.9k$" = "city 2,500 thru 9,999",
"^cit bet 100-249k$" = "city 100,000 thru 249,999",
"^non-smsa countie$" = "non-msa county",
"^citie under 2.5k$" = "city under 2,500",
"^citie bet 50-99k$" = "city 50,000 thru 99,999",
"^msa counties 100,000 or over$" = "msa county 100,000+",
"^cities 25,000 thru 49,999$" = "city 25,000 thru 49,999",
"^cities 250,000 thru 499,999$" = "city 250,000 thru 499,999",
"^cities 10,000 thru 24,999$" = "city 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^cities 2,500 thru 9,999$" = "city 2,500 thru 9,999",
"^msa counties 25,000 thru 99,999$" = "msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
"^cities 100,000 thru 249,999$" = "city 100,000 thru 249,999",
"^msa counties 10,000 thru 24,999$" = "msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^cities under 2,500$" = "city under 2,500",
"^non-msa counties 10,000 thru 24,999$" = "non-msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^non-msa counties 25,000 thru 99,999$" = "non-msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
"^non-msa counties under 10,000$" = "non-msa county under 10,000",
"^cities 50,000 thru 99,999$" = "city 50,000 thru 99,999",
"^cities 500,000 thru 999,999$" = "city 500,000 thru 999,999",
"^msa counties under 10,000$" = "msa county under 10,000",
"^all cities 1,000,000 or over$" = "city 1,000,000+",
"^non-msa counties 100,000 or over$" = "non-msa county 100,000+",
"^msa co. 100,000 \\+$" = "msa county 100,000+",
"^cit 25,000-49,999$" = "city 25,000 thru 49,999",
"^cit 250,000-499,999$" = "city 250,000 thru 499,999",
"^cit 2,500-9,999$" = "city 2,500 thru 9,999",
"^cit 10,000-24,999$" = "city 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^msa co. 25,000-99,999$" = "msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
"^cit 100,000-249,999$" = "city 100,000 thru 249,999",
"^msa co. 10,000-24,999$" = "msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^non-msa co. 10,000-24,999$" = "non-msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^non-msa co. < 10,000$" = "non-msa county under 10,000",
"^cit < 2,500$" = "city under 2,500",
"^non-msa co. 25,000-99,999$" = "non-msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
"^cit 50,000-99,999$" = "city 50,000 thru 99,999",
"^cit 500,000-999,999$" = "city 500,000 thru 999,999",
"^cit 1,000,000 \\+$" = "city 1,000,000+",
"^msa co. < 10,000$" = "msa county under 10,000",
"^non-msa co. 100,000 \\+$" = "non-msa county 100,000+",
"^msa counties$" = "msa county",
"^cits bet 25k-50k$" = "city 25,000, 49,999",
"^cit bt 2.5k-9.9k$" = "city 2,500 thru 9,999",
"^citi bet 10k-25k$" = "city 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^cit bt 100k-250k$" = "city 100,000 thru 249,999",
"^non-msa cnties$" = "non-msa county",
"^citi bet 50k-99k$" = "city 50,000 thru 99,999",
"^msa cts 100000/over$" = "msa county 100,000+",
"^cts 25000-49999$" = "city 25,000 thru 49,999",
"^cts 250000-499999$" = "city 250,000 thru 499,999",
"^cts 10000-24999$" = "city 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^cits 2500-9999$" = "city 2,500 thru 9,999",
"^cts undr 2,500$" = "city under 2,500",
"^cts 100000-249999$" = "city 100,000 thru 249,999",
"^msa cts 10000-24999$" = "msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^n-ms cts udr 10,000$" = "non-msa county under 10,000",
"^msa cts 25000-99999$" = "msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
"^n-ms cts 10000-24999$" = "non-msa county 10,000 thru 24,999",
"^n-ms cts 25000-99999$" = "non-msa county 25,000 thru 99,999",
"^cts 50000-99999$" = "city 50,000 thru 999,999",
"^al cts mlln ovr$" = "city 1,000,000+",
"^cts 500000-999999$" = "city 500,000 thru 999,999",
"^ms cts udr 10000$" = "msa county under 10,000",
"^n-msa cots 10000$" = "non-msa county under 10,000",
"^non-msa st police$" = "non-msa state police",
"^msa st police$" = "msa state police")
race <- c("^white -chicano$" = "white",
"^asian-pac island$" = "asian",
"^amer indi-eskimo$" = "american indian or alaskan native",
"^asian or pacific islander$" = "asian",
"^black or african american$" = "black",
"^american indian or alaska native$" = "american indian or alaskan native",
"^american indian$" = "american indian or alaskan native",
"^asn/pac islndr$" = "asian",
"^amer ind/alask nat$" = "american indian or alaskan native",
"^asn/pacific islander$" = "asian",
"^amer ind/alsk nat$" = "american indian or alaskan native",
"^ameri indi-eskimo$" = "american indian or alaskan native",
".*inap.*" = NA)
relationship <- c("^dk,all instances$" = "unknown",
"^homosexual relat$" = "homosexual relationship",
"^oth -known to vi$" = "other - known to victim",
"^common-law husba$" = "common-law husband",
"^relationship not determined$" = "unknown",
"^oth-vic knows$" = "other - known to victim",
"^rel not determnd$" = "unknown",
"^common-law husb$" = "common-law husband",
"^rltnshp not dtrmnd$" = "unknown",
"^reltnshp nt dtrmnd$" = "unknown",
"^other - known-vctm$" = "other - known to victim",
"^homosxl rltnshp$" = "homosexual relationship",
"^hmsxl rltnshp$" = "homosexual relationship",
"^other-known-vctm$" = "other - known to victim",
"^othr-knwn-vctm$" = "other - known to victim",
"^othr-knwn-vctm$" = "other - known to victim",
"^other-knwn-vctm$" = "other - known to victim",
".*inap.*" = NA)
circumstance <- c("^brawl - alchol$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"^all instances$" = "circumstances undetermined",
"^oth non-fel type$" = "other",
"^argument - money$" = "argument over money or property",
"^argument over money property$" = "argument over money or property",
"^justif homi civil$" = "felon killed by private citizen",
"^justif homi poli$" = "felon killed by police",
"^guncleanin death$" = "gun cleaning death - other than self-inflicted",
"^lover-s triangle$" = "lovers triangle",
"^all suspect felo$" = "all suspected felony type",
"^oth negligen gun$" = "other negligent handling of gun which resulted in death of another",
"^other negligent handling of gun$" = "other negligent handling of gun which resulted in death of another",
"^narcotic drug$" = "narcotic drug laws",
"^kids play withgun$" = "children playing with gun",
"^oth -felony type$" = "other felony type - not specified",
"^all oth manslaug$" = "all other manslaughter by negligence except traffic deaths",
"^vic shot hunt ac$" = "victim shot in hunting accident",
"^oth sex offense$" = "other sex offenses",
"^other sex offense$" = "other sex offenses",
"^brawl-narcotics$" = "brawl due to influence of narcotics",
"^institution kill$" = "institutional killings",
"^juv gang killing$" = "juvenile gang killings",
"^prostitutio-vice$" = "prostitution and commercialized vice",
"^kid kill-sitter$" = "child killed by babysitter",
"^motor vehi theft$" = "motor vehicle theft",
"^32$" = "abortion",
"^all suspected felony type$" = "all suspected felony type",
"^lover s triangle$" = "lovers triangle",
"^oth negligen-gun$" = "other negligent handling of gun which resulted in death of another",
"^rel not determnd$" = "circumstances undetermined",
"^narc drug law$" = "narcotic drug laws",
"^juv gang killngs$" = "juvenile gang killings",
"^brawl-alcohol$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"^kids play with gun$" = "children playing with gun",
"^justif homi-poli$" = "felon killed by police",
"^gangland kllings$" = "gangland killings",
"^gangland killing$" = "gangland killings",
"^justif homi-civil$" = "felon killed by private citizen",
"^prostit,com-vice$" = "prostitution and commercialized vice",
"^institut killngs$" = "institutional killings",
"^gun-cleaning dth$" = "gun cleaning death - other than self-inflicted",
"^gun-cleaning death - other than self$" = "gun cleaning death - other than self-inflicted",
"^sitter klld chld$" = "child killed by babysitter",
"^crcmstncs undtrmnd$" = "circumstances undetermined",
"^other-not specifd$" = "other - not specified",
"^brwl due-inflce alcl$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"^argmt ovr mny/prop$" = "argument over money or property",
"^fln klld prvte citn$" = "felon killed by private citizen",
"^all sspctd fely tpe$" = "all suspected felony type",
"^fln klld by plce$" = "felon killed by police",
"^juv gng kllgs$" = "juvenile gang killings",
"^brwl-inflce nrctcs$" = "brawl due to influence of narcotics",
"^prstttn/cmmclzd vice$" = "prostitution and commercialized vice",
"^chld klld bbysttr$" = "child killed by babysitter",
"^mtr vhcle thft$" = "motor vehicle theft",
"^instttnl kllgs$" = "institutional killings",
"^all other manslaughter by negligence except traffic deaths exc$" = "all other manslaughter by negligence except traffic deaths",
"^gun-cleaning death - other than self-inf$" = "gun cleaning death - other than self-inflicted",
"^brawl due to inflence of alcohol$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"^gun-cleaning death - other than sell$" = "gun cleaning death - other than self-inflicted",
".*inap.*" = NA,
"^juv gang kllngs$" = "juvenile gang killings",
"^othr non-flny hom$" = "other",
"^oth non-felony$" = "other",
"^crcmstnces undtrmnd$" = "circumstances undetermined",
"^othr flny-nt spcfd$" = "other felony type - not specified",
"^fln klld by plice$" = "felon killed by police",
"^fln klld/police$" = "felon killed by police",
"^juv gang killings$" = "juvenile gang killings",
"^other$" = "other non-felony type - not specified",
"^all other manslaughter except traffic de$" = "all other manslaughter by negligence except traffic deaths",
"^all other manslaughter by negligence$" = "all other manslaughter by negligence except traffic deaths",
"^oth felony type$" = "other felony type - not specified",
"^other non-felony type homicide$" = "other felony type - not specified",
"^oth non-felony$" = "other non-felony type - not specified",
"^justif hom-polic$" = "felon killed by police",
"^victim shot in hunting accident$" = "victim shot in hunting accident",
"^crcmstnces undtrmnd$" = "circumstances undetermined",
"^juv gng killings$" = "juvenile gang killings",
"^otr nn-fl tpe hmcde$" = "other non-felony type - not specified",
"^argmnt mny/prprty$" = "argument over money or property",
"^fln klld by police$" = "felon killed by police",
"^brwl-inflnce alchl$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"^brwl-inflnce nrctcs$" = "brawl due to influence of narcotics",
"^instttnl kllngs$" = "institutional killings",
"^all sspctd fel type$" = "all suspected felony type",
"^otr flny tp-nt spfd$" = "other felony type - not specified",
"^vehicle theft$" = "motor vehicle theft",
"^fln klld/prvte ctzn$" = "felon killed by private citizen",
"^chld klld/bbysttr$" = "child killed by babysitter",
"^prstttn/cmmrclzd vce$" = "prostitution and commercialized vice",
"^othr non-flny hmcde$" = "other non-felony type - not specified",
"^othr flny-not spcfd$" = "other felony type - not specified",
"^brwl-inflnce narcs$" = "brawl due to influence of narcotics",
"^fln klld police$" = "felon killed by police",
"^argmnt mny prop$" = "argument over money or property",
"^brwl-inflnce alc$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"brwl-inflnce narcs" = "brawl due to influence of narcotics",
"^ganglnd killngs$" = "gangland killings",
"^all sspctd flny$" = "all suspected felony type",
"^argmnt mney propy$" = "argument over money or property",
"^fln klld/priv ctzn$" = "felon killed by private citizen",
"^brawl - alcohol$" = "brawl due to influence of alcohol",
"^all suspec felon$" = "all suspected felony type",
"^justi homi civil$" = "felon killed by private citizen",
"^justi homi polic$" = "felon killed by police")
subcircumstance <- c("^fel kil com crim$" = "felon killed in commission of a crime",
"^fel attack polic$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^not enough infor$" = "not enough information to determine",
"^fel attack civil$" = "felon attacked a civilian",
"^fel attem flight$" = "felon attempted flight from a crime",
"^fel resisted arr$" = "felon resisted arrest",
"^fel att fel offe$" = "felon attacked fellow police officer",
".*inap.*" = NA,
"^killd during crm$" = "felon killed in commission of a crime",
"^fel resist arres$" = "felon resisted arrest",
"^fel attack pers$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^nt engh info-dtrmne$" = "not enough information to determine",
"^fln attd plce offcr$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^fln klld cmmssn crme$" = "felon killed in commission of a crime",
"^fln attckd cvln$" = "felon attacked a civilian",
"^fln attd fllw plce off$" = "felon attempted flight from a crime",
"^fln rsstd arrst$" = "felon resisted arrest",
"^fln attmtd flght crme$" = "felon attempted flight from a crime",
"^inp nt jstifble hmcde$" = NA,
"^killed durng crm$" = "felon killed in commission of a crime",
"^felon attacked a civilian$" = "felon attacked a civilian",
"^fln attkd plce off$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^fln resisted arrest$" = "felon resisted arrest",
"^fln klld cmmssn crime$" = "felon killed in commission of a crime",
"^fln attkd fllw plce off$" = "felon attacked fellow police officer",
"^not engh info-dtrmne$" = "not enough information to determine",
".*inap.*" = NA,
"^fln attckd pol off$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^fln rsstd arrest$" = "felon resisted arrest",
"^fln attkd fll pl off$" = "felon attacked fellow police officer",
"^inp nt jstfble hmcde$" = NA,
"^fln attckd plce off$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^fln attckd cvlian$" = "felon attacked a civilian",
"^fln attckd fllw plce$" = "felon attacked fellow police officer",
"^fln attckd pol off$" = "felon attacked police officer",
"^fln rsstd arrest$" = "felon resisted arrest",
"^fln attkd fll pl off$" = "felon attacked fellow police officer" ,
"^inp nt jstfble hmcde$" = NA
age <- c("^7 dys old-364 dys$" = "7 days to 364 days",
"^7 dys old-364 days$" = "7 days to 364 days",
"^7 days old to 364 days old$" = "7 days to 364 days",
"^brth-6 days old$" = "birth to 6 days, including abandoned infant",
"^99 yrs old/more$" = "99 years or older",
"^birth to 1 yr ol$" = "0",
"^99 yrs old - mor$" = "99 years or older",
"^99 years or more$" = "99 years or older",
"^99 years old or more$" = "99 years or older",
"^1 year old$" = "1",
"^nb$" = "birth to 6 days, including abandoned infant",
"^birth to 6 days old$" = "birth to 6 days, including abandoned infant",
"^out of universe$" = NA,
"^age unknown$" = NA,
".*inap.*" = NA,
".*inp.*" = NA)
sex <- c(".*inap.*" = NA,
"^$" = "")
homicide_type <- c("murder nonneglig" = "murder and nonnegligent manslaughter",
"mansl by neglig" = "manslaughter by negligence",
"mrdr/nn-nglgt mnsltr" = "murder and nonnegligent manslaughter")
situation <- c("singl vic-mul of" = "single victim/multiple offenders",
"single vict-offe" = "single victim/single offender",
"multiple vic-off" = "multiple victims/multiple offenders",
"single vic un of" = "single victim/unknown offender(s)",
"mult vic-sin off" = "multiple victims/single offender",
"mult vic-unk off" = "multiple victims/unknown offender(s)",
"sngl vict-1 offe" = "single victim/single offender",
"sngl vic unk off" = "single victim/unknown offender(s)",
"sngle vctm/sngle off" = "single victim/single offender",
"snge vtm/unkwn off/s" = "single victim/unknown offender(s)",
"mtple vtms/sngl off" = "multiple victims/single offender",
"mlt vcts/unkwn off/s" = "multiple victims/unknown offender(s)",
"snge vctm/mult offs" = "single victim/multiple offenders",
"mple vtms/mult offs" = "multiple victims/multiple offenders" )
population <- c("^$" = "",
"unknown or not reported" = NA,
"unknwn/not reprtd" = NA)
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