
  p = aegis::aegis_parameters( DS="coastline" )

  # worldHires coastlines from mapdata (still pretty crude ..)
  coast = coastline.db( p=p, DS="mapdata.coastLine.redo" ) # flatten into one
  coast = coastline.db( p=p, DS="mapdata.coastPolygon.redo" )

  # GSHHG coastline data (NOAA) -- best quality data
  # download the current version of the GSHHG coastline data
  #  coastline.db( "" )  << ---- RUN THIS if you want to refresh the local copy from NOAA

  # these are generated on the fly the first pass .. p must contain corner$lon/lat
  # and ensure they are the largest domain for your use (here "canada.east.highres" )
  # actual data saved will have a buffer around them to try and account for spherical -> rectangular warping
  # ignore error messages ("no shore line in selection...") 
  #  .. conversion to spatial data frames is verbose and fussy

  # pre-construct the main grids and resoultions to save some time, any others will be made on the fly
  coastline.db ( p=p, DS="" )
  grids =c( "canada.east.superhighres", "canada.east.highres", "canada.east", "SSE", "SSE.mpa" , "snowcrab")
  for ( gr in grids ){
    pp = spatial_parameters(  p=p, spatial.domain=gr )

    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg coastline full redo", no.clip=TRUE  ) # full is all data
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg coastline highres redo ", no.clip=TRUE  ) # highres is almost all data
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg coastline intermediate redo", no.clip=TRUE  ) # medium res
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg coastline low redo ", no.clip=TRUE  ) # low res
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg coastline crude redo ", no.clip=TRUE  ) # crude is very rough
    # note you can also get rivers and political boundaries .. these are spatial Lines
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg rivers full redo " ) # crude is very rough
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg rivers highres redo " ) # crude is very rough
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg rivers intermediate redo " ) # crude is very rough
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg borders full redo " ) # crude is very rough
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg borders highres redo " ) # crude is very rough
    u = coastline.db ( p=pp, DS="gshhg borders intermediate redo " ) # crude is very rough
    # to call without p$corners:
    u = coastline.db ( DS="gshhg coastline full redo", xlim=p$corners$lon, ylim=p$corners$lat ) # full is all data

  #example plot
  depths = c( 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500)
  plygn = isobath.db( p=p, DS="isobath", depths=depths  )  # this can only be run after bathymetry.r

  coast = coastline.db( p=p, DS=" gshhg coastline highres", no.clip=TRUE )
  plot( coast, col="transparent", border="steelblue2" ,
       xlim=c(-68,-52), ylim=c(41,50),  xaxs="i", yaxs="i", axes=TRUE )  # ie. coastline
  lines( plygn[ as.character(depths)], col="gray90" ) # for multiple polygons

  sp::compassRose( -55, 43, cex= 0.75 )
  maps::map.scale( -57, 42, ratio =FALSE )
jae0/emgis documentation built on May 28, 2019, 9:58 p.m.