Stock assessment of Canada's Maritimes Region snow crab (Chionoectes oplio) leveraging aegis, bio, and stmv packages.

This project, bio.snowcrab is used by the Maritimes snow crab group to:

Much of this project is generic and can be easily adapted for other species. Usage is shown in the scripts found in inst/scripts/0*.R. They represent the backbone of the assessment.

Quarto and Rmarkdown documents can be found in inst/markdown/ . They are meant to be copied to a work directory such as where they can be run to generate reports on demand.

There is heavy reliance upon aegis.bathymetry, aegis.polygons, aegis.surveys and aegis.temperature. Though not necessary, they help inform the broader ecosystem-based approach that has been used with snow crab assessments since 2004 (when we received the mandate in Maritimes Region). Examples of their usage are found in the individual aegis. projects inst/scripts/0.R files.


  1. To install:
  install.packages( "remotes", ask=FALSE, dependencies=TRUE ) # to inter-operate with github
  remotes::install_github( "jae0/aegis" ) # to bootstrap by installing directly from github
  remotes::install_github( "jae0/bio.snowcrab") # install bio.snowcrab and other required packages
  1. Then, you need to have an Rprofile set up properly. Use the following, being careful to define the required R-global variables (see also:

homedir = path.expand("~")
code_root = file.path( homedir, "bio" )   ### replace with correct path to the parent directory of your git-projects
data_root = file.path( homedir, "" )   ### replace with correct path to your data

require( aegis )

# store your passwords and login here and make sure they are secure
# try ( source( file.path( homedir, ".passwords" ) ) )

A more expanded version, similar to what I use, can be found below:

jae0/snowcrab documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 2:42 p.m.