
  # update all incoming raw survey data that exist "outside of aegis"

  # these are here to show the dependencies of aegis::survey.db()
  # run only if they have not already been updated
  # .. show other sources here as they become available

  # 10.surveys.r assimilates these data into aegis

  if (!exists("year.assessment")) {
    year.assessment=lubridate::year(Sys.Date()) - 1  # choose one

  # prepare groundfish data -- requires DFO oracle database connectivity
  pg = aegis::aegis_parameters( DS="groundfish", yrs=1970:year.assessment)
  aegis::groundfish.db(p=pg, DS="" )

  # prepare snow crab data -- requires DFO oracle database connectivity
  source( system.file( "scripts", "01.snowcrab.R", package = "bio.snowcrab") )

  # prepare biochem data  -- requires DFO oracle database connectivity
  # see 99.05.biochem.R ... mostl;y done , awaiting database clean up

# etc
jae0/stmdat documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11 p.m.