ggheatmap: Elegant Heatmaps with ggplot2

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What is this all about?

The package offers a single exported function, namely ggheatmap, which takes a data frame, a matrix or a (named) list of matrices and generates a nice heatmap with ggplot2.


cor.mat = cor(mtcars)

# Basic heatmap
pl = ggheatmap::ggheatmap(cor.mat)

# Customized heatmap
pl = ggheatmap::ggheatmap(cor.mat, type = "lower.tri", show.diag = FALSE, show.values = TRUE, digits = 1L)

# Now we simulate two non-square matrices
x = matrix(runif(50L), ncol = 5L)
y = matrix(runif(50L), ncol = 5L)

pl = ggheatmap::ggheatmap(list(X = x, Y = y), range = c(0.1, 0.9), = "Range")

Installation Instructions

The package will be available at CRAN soon. Install the release version via:


If you are interested in trying out and playing around with the current github developer version use the devtools package and type the following command in R:



Please address questions and missing features about the ggheatmap to the author Jakob Bossek Found some nasty bugs? Please use the issue tracker for this. Pay attention to explain the problem as good as possible. At its best you provide an example, so I can reproduce your problem quickly.

jakobbossek/ggheatmap documentation built on May 14, 2022, 3:33 a.m.