ggheatmap: Plot heatmap.

View source: R/ggheatmap.R

ggheatmapR Documentation

Plot heatmap.


Given a data frame, a matrix or a list of matrices this function visualizes the given data by a heatmap utilizing ggplot2.


ggheatmap(x, id.vars = c("Var1", "Var2"), = "value",
  show.diag = TRUE, type = "complete", range = NULL,
  show.values = FALSE, value.size = 1.5, value.color = "white",
  digits = 1L)



[matrix | list of matrices | data.frame]
Data frame, matrix or a list of matrices.


Only relevant if x is of type data.frame. Character vector of length two indicating the column names of x which serve as id variables. Defaults to “id.vars = c("Var1", "Var2")”.

Name for the values represented by the matrix. Internally, the matrix is transformed into a data.frame via melt in order to obtain a format which may be processed by ggplot easily. Default is “value”.


If x is a square matrix, e.g., a correlation matrix, or x is a list of square matrices this argument controls whether the diagonal elements should be visualized. Default is TRUE.


[character(1)]|cr Values “lower.tri” and “upper.tri” respectively display the lower or upper triangular matrix only. Option “complete” is the default and displays all values. This option is ignored if x is already a data frame or the passed matrix/matrices are not square.


Possibility to cap values below range[1] and above range[2]. Defaults to NULL, i.e., no capping at all.


Should the values be printed within the heatmap cells? Default is FALSE.


Size of the printed values. Only relevant if show.values is TRUE. Default is 1.5.


Color of text in cells. Only relevant if show.values is TRUE. Default is “white”.


Integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used if show.values is TRUE.


If a data.frame is passed it needs to be in long format as expected by ggplot2. If a matrix is passed it is transformed internally into long format. In case a list of matrices is passed all those matrices are converted into long format and distinguished by the names of the list components. In the latter case a single ggplot object is produced adopting facets to split by matrix.


[ggplot] ggplot object.


# simulate two (correlation) matrizes
x = matrix(runif(100), ncol = 10)
y = matrix(runif(100), ncol = 10)

# matrix x in ggplot2-friendly long format
x.df = reshape2::melt(x)

## Not run: 
# Single heatmap with default settings
pl = plotHeatmap(x.df)

# Show values and display lower triangular matrix only
pl = plotHeatmap(x, show.values = TRUE, type = "lower.tri", show.diag = FALSE)

# Now we omit value outside the interval [10, 80]
pl = plotHeatmap(x, range = c(10, 80))

# Two heatmaps side by side
pl = plotHeatmap(list(x, y), = "Similarity")

# Same as above with custom names
pl = plotHeatmap(list(MatrixX = x, MatrixY = y), = "Similarity")

## End(Not run)

jakobbossek/ggheatmap documentation built on May 14, 2022, 3:33 a.m.