
Defines functions slr_fun

Documented in slr_fun

#' @title slr_time function
#' @param sea_level 
#' @param elevation 
#' @return year
#' @export 
#' @description Calculates time required for inundation given rate of sea level rise. 
#' Sea level rise time function (while loop ESM262 HW3). 
#' Returns year that a city will be inundated given a 3.6mm annual sea level rise (slr) rate (2021 global average). 
#' Takes starting local mean sea level (m) and city elevation (m) as inputs.
#' @examples slr_fun(sea_level = 1.1, elevation = 4.1)
#' [1] "The city will be flooded in year 2105"

slr_fun <- function(sea_level, elevation){
  # error checking - is city already below sea level?
  elevation = ifelse(
    elevation < sea_level,
    return("City is already flooded"),
  # set starting year
  year = 2021
  # call while loop
  while(sea_level < elevation){
    sea_level = sea_level + .036
    year = year + 1
  # return output of while loop calculation
  return(sprintf("The city will be flooded in year %s", year))
jaleisehall/rainbowtrout documentation built on March 22, 2021, 11:04 p.m.