

context("input types")

d_min <- shape(item_data = opinion, item_names = "abortion", time_name =
  "year", geo_name = "state", group_names = "female")
d_mod <- shape(item_data = opinion, item_names = "abortion", time_name =
  "year", geo_name = "state", group_names = "female", modifier_data = states,
  modifier_names = "prop_evangelicals", t1_modifier_names = "prop_evangelicals")

test_that("stop_if_empty works", {
  x <- data.frame()
  expect_error(dgo:::stop_if_empty(x), "all dimensions of x should be positive")

test_that("check_count works", {
  expect_silent(dgo:::check_count(cars, "speed"))

test_that("check_count catches non-integers", {
  cars$speed <- cars$speed + 0.5
  expect_error(dgo:::check_count(cars, "speed"),
               "values of \"speed\" in cars should be positive integers")

test_that("check_count catches negative numbers", {
  cars$speed <- cars$speed * -1
  expect_error(dgo:::check_count(cars, "speed"),
               "values of \"speed\" in cars should be positive integers")

test_that("factor values for geo_name in item_data produce a warning", {
  opinion$state <- as.factor(opinion$state)
  expect_warning(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "Coercing factor")

test_that("numeric values for geo_name produce an error", {
  opinion$state <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(opinion$state))
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "should be one of: character, factor")

test_that("factor values for geo_name in modifier_data produce a warning", {
  states$state = as.factor(states$state)
  expect_warning(min_modifier_call(modifier_data = states), "Coercing factor")

test_that("numeric values for geo_name in modifier data produce an error", {
  states$state = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(states$state))
  expect_error(min_modifier_call(modifier_data = states), "should be one of: character, factor")

test_that("numeric values for group_names in item_data produce an error", {
  opinion$female <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(opinion$female))
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "should be one of: character, factor")

test_that("factor values for group_names in item_data produce a warning", {
  opinion$female <- as.factor(opinion$female)
  expect_warning(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "Coercing factor")

test_that("factor values for just one of group_names in item_data produce a warning", {
  opinion$race <- as.factor(opinion$race)
                       item_names = "abortion",
                       time_name = "year",
                       geo_name = "state",
                       group_names = c("female", "race")),
                 "Coercing factor")

test_that("item variables can be any type", {
  items <- c("abortion", "affirmative_action", "stemcell_research",
  opinion[[items[1]]] <- as.character(opinion[[items[1]]])
  opinion[[items[2]]] <- as.ordered(opinion[[items[2]]])
  opinion[[items[3]]] <- as.logical(opinion[[items[3]]])
  opinion[[items[4]]] <- as.factor(opinion[[items[4]]])
  expect_silent(suppressMessages(min_item_call(item_data = opinion,
        item_names = items)))

test_that("factor values of survey_name produce a warning", {
  opinion$source <- as.factor(opinion$source)
  expect_warning(min_item_call(item_data = opinion, survey_name = "source"),
                 "Coercing factor")

test_that("numeric values of survey_name produce an error", {
  opinion$source <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(opinion$source))
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion, survey_name = "source"),
               "should be one of: character, factor")

test_that("non-integer values of time_name in item_data produce an error", {
  opinion$year <- opinion$year + 0.5
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "should be integer")

test_that("factor values of time_name in item_data produce an error", {
  opinion$year <- as.factor(opinion$year)
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "should be one of: integer, numeric")

test_that("character values of time_name in item_data produce an error", {
  opinion$year <- as.character(opinion$year)
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion), "should be one of: integer, numeric")

test_that("non-integer values of time_name in modifier_data work", {
  states$year <- states$year + 0.5
  expect_error(min_modifier_call(modifier_data = states))

test_that("factor values of time_name in modifier_data produce a warning", {
  states$year <- as.factor(states$year)
  expect_error(min_modifier_call(modifier_data = states), "should be one of: integer, numeric")

test_that("character values of time_name in modifier_data produce an error", {
  states$year <- as.character(states$year)
  expect_error(min_modifier_call(modifier_data = states), "should be one of: integer, numeric")

test_that("character values of weight_name in item_data produce an error", {
  opinion$weight <- suppressWarnings(as.character(opinion$weight))
  expect_error(suppressWarnings(min_item_call(item_data = opinion,
        weight_name = "weight")), "should be one of: numeric")

test_that("factor values of weight_name in item_data produce an error", {
  opinion$weight <- suppressWarnings(as.factor(opinion$weight))
  expect_error(min_item_call(item_data = opinion, weight_name = "weight"),
    "should be one of: numeric")
jamesdunham/dgo documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:19 a.m.