
Defines functions get_semi_distinct in_every_second in_every in_every_nth on_every_second on_every on_every_nth

Documented in in_every in_every_nth in_every_second on_every on_every_nth on_every_second

#' Make incremental events
#' @description
#' Create a schedule of events occuring in increments from a fixed date.
#' @param n A single integer specifying the increment of the events to create.
#' Eg. `2L` for every second event.
#' @param unit The type of period to increment. Can be either:
#'    * A character shortcut for a period object. Eg. "year", "years", "month",
#'    "months", "week", "weeks" etc. Can be any value accepted by
#'    `lubridate::period()`.
#'    * A schedule object. Eg. `on_weekday()` for events occuring every `n`
#'    weekdays.
#' @param starting The first event of the series. Can be a date or datetime.
#' @param inclusive Logical indicating whether the `starting` date should
#' be included in the resulting schedule.
#' @param backdated Logical indicating whether dates prior the `starting`
#' date should be included in the resulting schedule.
#' @details
#' `on_every()` and `on_every_second()` are convenience functions for
#' `on_every_nth()` where the `n` argument is pre-filled with `1L` and `2L`
#' respectively.
#' @return A schedule object.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' monthly_from_millenium_start <- on_every("month", as.Date("2000-01-01"))
#' schedule_days(monthly_from_millenium_start, during = 2000)
#' fortnightly_from_millenium_start <- on_every_second("week", as.Date("2000-01-01"))
#' schedule_days(fortnightly_from_millenium_start, during = 2000)
#' tenth_weekend_day_from_millenium_start <- on_every_nth(10, on_weekend(), as.Date("2000-01-01"))
#' schedule_days(tenth_weekend_day_from_millenium_start, during = 2000)
#' @export

on_every_nth <- function(n, unit, starting, inclusive = TRUE, backdated = FALSE){

  if(class(unit) == "character"){

    unit_freq <- lubridate::period(n, units = unit)

      date_test <- function(date){

        my_interval <- lubridate::interval(starting, date)

        period_period <- suppressMessages(lubridate::as.period(my_interval) / unit_freq)

        interval_period <- my_interval / unit_freq

        result <- is_whole_number(period_period) | is_whole_number(interval_period)

        if(inclusive == F){
          result[period_period == 0] <- FALSE
          result[interval_period == 0] <- FALSE

        if(backdated == F){
          result[period_period < 0] <- FALSE
          result[interval_period < 0] <- FALSE



      out <- list(date_test = date_test)

      class(out) <- "schedule"

      out$terms <- 1


  if(class(unit) == "schedule"){

    if(!happen(unit, starting)){stop("starting date does not fall on schedule")}

    date_test <- function(date){

      candidate_dates <- date

      compiled_df <-
        tibble::tibble(candidate_dates) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(result = purrr::map(candidate_dates,
                                          x = unit,
                                          from = starting)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(result = purrr::map(result, remove_first)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(num_dates = purrr::map_int(result, length)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(num_dates = num_dates /n) %>%
                      happen(unit, candidate_dates))

      applicable_dates <- compiled_df[["candidate_dates"]]

      result <- date %in% applicable_dates

      if(inclusive == FALSE){
        result[date == starting] <- FALSE

      if(backdated == FALSE){
        result[date < starting] <- FALSE


    out <- list(date_test = date_test)

    class(out) <- "schedule"

    out$n_terms <- 1



#' @rdname on_every_nth
#' @export

on_every <- function(unit, starting, inclusive = TRUE, backdated = FALSE){
               unit = unit,
               starting = starting,
               inclusive = inclusive,
               backdated = backdated)

#' @rdname on_every_nth
#' @export

on_every_second <- function(unit, starting, inclusive = TRUE, backdated = FALSE){
               unit = unit,
               starting = starting,
               inclusive = inclusive,
               backdated = backdated)

#' @rdname on_every_nth
#' @export

in_every_nth <- function(n, unit, starting, inclusive = TRUE, backdated = FALSE){

  unit <- strings_to_date_functions(unit)

  #unit <- lubridate::period(n, units = unit)

  date_test <- function(date){

  candidate_date <- date

  result <-
    tibble::tibble(candidate_date, start_date = starting) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dates_vec = purrr::map2(candidate_date,
                                          make_period_seq)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(period_vec = purrr::map(dates_vec, unit)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(semi_distinct_weeks = purrr::map_dbl(period_vec,
                                                       get_semi_distinct) - 1) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(remainder = (semi_distinct_weeks %% n) == 0)

  if(inclusive == FALSE){
    result <-
      result %>%
      dplyr::mutate(remainder = dplyr::if_else(semi_distinct_weeks == 0,

  if(backdated == FALSE){
    result <-
      result %>%
      dplyr::mutate(remainder = dplyr::if_else(candidate_date < start_date,

  result %>%

  out <- list(date_test = date_test)

  class(out) <- "schedule"

  out$n_terms <- 1



#' @rdname on_every_nth
#' @export

in_every <- function(unit, starting, inclusive = TRUE, backdated = FALSE){
               unit = unit,
               starting = starting,
               inclusive = inclusive,
               backdated = backdated)

#' @rdname on_every_nth
#' @export

in_every_second <- function(unit, starting, inclusive = TRUE, backdated = FALSE){
               unit = unit,
               starting = starting,
               inclusive = inclusive,
               backdated = backdated)

get_semi_distinct <- function(x){
  rle_object <- rle(x)
  rle_values <- rle_object$values
  result <- length(rle_values)

jameslairdsmith/scheduler documentation built on July 27, 2023, 6:06 p.m.