
Defines functions check_week_num in_epiweek in_isoweek in_week

Documented in in_epiweek in_isoweek in_week

#' Specify the week(s) of a schedule
#' @description
#' Creates a schedule of events occurring in the weeks specified.
#' @details
#' The type of week is determined by the function used. These week types are
#' built atop their [definitions][lubridate::week()] in the `lubridate`
#' package, which are quoted here:
#' * `week()` returns the number of complete seven day periods that have
#' occurred between the date and January 1st, plus one.
#' @param ... a numeric vector of weeks.
#' @keywords week, date, scedule
#' @return A schedule object.
#' @examples
#' my_dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"),
#'                      to = as.Date("2000-02-01"),
#'                      by = "1 week")
#' happen(in_week(1), my_dates)
#' happen(in_week(1, 3), my_dates)
#' happen(in_week(1:3), my_dates)
#' happen(in_isoweek(1), my_dates)
#' ## invalid inputs will produce an immediate error:
#' \dontrun{
#' in_week(0)
#' in_week(54)
#' in_week(1.5)}
#' @export

in_week <- function(...){

  x <- unlist(list(...))

  if(length(x) > 1) return(check_vec_loop(x, in_week))


  make_element(x, lubridate::week)


#' @details
#' * `isoweek()` returns the week as it would appear in the ISO 8601
#' system, which uses a reoccurring leap week.
#' @rdname in_week
#' @export

in_isoweek <- function(...){

  x <- unlist(list(...))

  if(length(x) > 1) return(check_vec_loop(x, in_isoweek))


  make_element(x, lubridate::isoweek)

#' @details
#' * `epiweek()` is the US CDC version of epidemiological week. It
#' follows same rules as `isoweek()` but starts on Sunday. In other parts of
#' the world the convention is to start epidemiological weeks on Monday,
#' which is the same as isoweek.
#' @rdname in_week
#' @export

in_epiweek <- function(...){

  x <- unlist(list(...))

  if(length(x) > 1) return(check_vec_loop(x, in_epiweek))


  make_element(x, lubridate::epiweek)

check_week_num <- function(week_num){
  if(week_num < 1){stop("Week number cannot be less than 1", call. = F)}
  if(week_num > 53){stop("Week number cannot be greater than 53", call. = F)}
  if((week_num%%1) != 0){stop("Week number must be an integer", call. = F)}
jameslairdsmith/scheduler documentation built on July 27, 2023, 6:06 p.m.