cover: Cover - Sourced from Daubenmire

coverR Documentation

Cover - Sourced from Daubenmire


This data set contains daubenmire land cover percentages observed at 10m intervals inside a 0.5m square along a transect.




A data frame with the following variables:

  • date: Date, survey date

  • round: character, the round number: 1, 2, or 3

  • transectID: character, id of the transect

  • section: character, point along the transect at which data was collected inside a 0.5m square

  • class: character, daubenmire specific ground cover categories

  • percentage: numeric, daubenmire specific cover classes in percentages. Numbers indicatenam birds eye coverage of specific cover category within 0.5m frame

Data Collection Protocol

**Note** Daubenmire and robel data share the same directory and are both saved with the same file name except that robel data is saved with a '2' after the .csv extension. site_transect_round.csv2

Daubenmire survey was done at 10m lengths along a permanent transect line

Observer placed a quadrant (1 meter x 0.5m rectangle) on the left side of the transect

Quadrant was placed with 1 meter edge perpendicular to the 100m tape and 0.5 meter edge extending from transect point to 0.5 meters along transect length.

Observations started at 0 meters on the transect and were taken every 10m of the transect.

Observations were at a point on the transect and did not encompass the full length of a section.

Data collection began at 0 meter starting point of the transect and stopped before the transect ended.

A transect length of 100m will have points recorded for 0 meters through 90 meters; 10 points.

Data is not taken at the final point on the transect as this area is outside the transect.

Variable Notes

**section** –Denotes the point along the transect at which the observation was made.

**class** –*csg* *wsg* *forbs* *milkweed* *woody_species* *bare_ground* *leaf_litter*

All values are percentages.

Data points represent a daubenmire coverage class based off Daubenmire 1959.

Observer looks from a top-down/birds eye view and estimates the area of the frame the specific plant material covers.

Due to cover existing at different heights with potential for overlap, total percent cover of all cover classes combined can be greater than 100

Daubenmire percentage coverage classes are as follows:

0: None

1: Trace

3: 1-5

16: 5-25

38: 25-50

63: 50-75

86: 75-95

98: 95-100

*csg* Cool season grass. Includes sedges and equisetum. Does not differentiate between native and non-native species.

*wsg* Warm season grass. Does not differentiate between native and non-native species.

*forbs* All non-grass herbaceous plants. Does not include milkweed. Does not differentiate between native and non-native species.

*milkweed* Milkweed of any species

*woody species* Trees or shrubs

*bare ground* Soil surface which is not covered with leaf litter, residue, or stems. Includes tree roots, stumps, animal manure, and mushrooms.

*leaf litter* All horizontal dead plant material that is no longer rooted: twigs, leaves, grass.

jarad/ISUmonarch documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 1:09 p.m.