landscape2016: Landscape2016

landscape2016R Documentation



This data set contains general information about the landscape surrounding the plots. Data set only used in 2016. Replaced by 'environment' for 2017-2019




A data frame with the following variables:

  • year: numeric, year of observation

  • month: numeric, month of observation

  • day: numeric, day of observation

  • siteID: character, id of the site

  • transectID: character, id of the transect

  • round: character, the round number: 1, 2, or 3

  • direction: character, direction 'n' 'e' 's' 'w' of the surrouding landscape from the plot.

    'general'- round 1 (and a few round 2) sites did not include cardinal directions. Only one observation was made, named as 'general'

  • milkweed: character, presence/abence survey of milkweed present in surrounding landscape, 'yes' 'no' answer

  • flowering_plants: character, presence/absence of currently flowering plants present in surrounding landscape. 'yes' 'no' answer

Data Collection Protocol

Landscape data only exists for 2016. 2017-2019 data collection relating to the outside of the plot is stored in the 'environment' data set.

Surveyed the area outside the perimeter of the plot to determine if milkweed and flowering plants were present.

Plot perimeter was not established until round 3 2016 data collection. Round 1/2 landscape surveyed area was at the discretion of the observer as to what was 'outside' the plot.

jarad/ISUmonarch documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 1:09 p.m.