WEPPR: A package for WEPP simulation and emulation

WEPPRR Documentation

A package for WEPP simulation and emulation


The water erosion prediction project (WEPP) is a computer model developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to simulate erosion processes.


This package provides an R interface for reading and writing WEPP input files and reading WEPP output files. Initial development is focused on reading/writing input/output files used in the Daily Erosion Project and using their conventions. In particular, the package has functionality to read/write the following input files (abbreviation)

- slope (slp), - soil properties (soil), - management (man), - climate/weather (cli), and

and functionality to read the following output files (abbreviation)

- event output (env), - water balance (wb), and - yield/biomass (yld).

Eventually it will also have functionality to run WEPP, at least on Linux machines. The idea is to allow the user to programmatically run a set of WEPP simulations by modifying the input in R, writing that input to files, running WEPP, and then reading the resulting output files into R. Thus, this will enable advanced exploration of the WEPP model.



jarad/WEPPR documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 5:42 a.m.