
The main purpose of these files was to produce graphics and analyses for my basic lectures on biogeography and plant community ecology. Some of these functions may be useful for other use as well. The main functions are:

Distribution maps with proper cartographic projections

I wanted to have maps with standard projections such as UTM for smaller areas and Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area for wider areas. Function projectedmap can be used to draw a projected map that completely includes the given range of latitude and longitude, and occpmap displays species occurrences in such maps as extracted from Global Biodiversity Information Facility using the spocc package.

Walter diagrams of climate

Function walterplot draws simplified, colourful climatic diagrams that are suitable for slides.

Thornthwaite's Potential Evapotranspiration

Function PEThorn calculates Potential Evapotranspiration from monthly mean temperatures. It is more faithful to the original paper than the implementation in the SPEI package, and includes some new twists.

jarioksa/biogeo documentation built on May 18, 2019, 3:47 p.m.