jpah2016: Dataset of a control study in psychology.

jpah2016R Documentation

Dataset of a control study in psychology.


A subset of a control experiment measuring the impulsive approach tendencies toward physical activity or sedentary behaviors.




A data frame with 38 rows and 8 variables.


  • id identifier of the subject.

  • bmi body mass index.

  • age.

  • sex.

  • condition the experimental condition where the task was to approach physical activity and avoid sedentary behavior (ApSB_AvPA), approach sedentarity behavior and avoid physical activity (ApPA_AvSB), and a control condition (control).

  • time pre, post.

  • iapa measure of impulsive approach tendencies toward physical activity (dependant variable).

  • iasb measure of impulsive approach tendencies toward sedentary behavior (dependant variable).


Cheval, B., Sarrazin, P., Pelletier, L., & Friese, M. (2016). Effect of retraining approach-avoidance tendencies on an exercise task: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13(12), 1396-1403.

See Also

Other dataset: attentionshifting_design, attentionshifting_signal, emergencycost

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