
make.statespace<-function (ll = NA, buffer = 0.1, minx = NA, maxx = NA, miny = NA,
    maxy = NA, nx = 20, ny = NULL)
    ## need to edit this function to accept "average home range size"
    ## argument and that should be converted to a number of
    ## state-space points

    if (!is.na(ll[1, 1])) {
        minx <- min(ll[, 1])
        maxx <- max(ll[, 1])
        miny <- min(ll[, 2])
        maxy <- max(ll[, 2])
        bx <- (maxx - minx) * buffer
        by <- (maxy - miny) * buffer
         minx <- minx - bx
        maxx <- maxx + bx
        miny <- miny - by
        maxy <- maxy + by
        ####r.x <- maxx - minx    ###RR moved these or r.x and r.y are missing if ll is NA
         ####r.y <- maxy - miny

    if (is.null(ny)) {
        ny <- round(nx * (r.y/r.x), 0)
    x <- sort(rep(seq(minx, maxx, , nx), ny))
    r.x <- maxx - minx   ##moved to here out of the if loop
         r.y <- maxy - miny
    y <- rep(seq(maxy, miny, , ny), nx)
    ss <- cbind(x, y)
    attr(ss, "area") <- (r.x * r.y)/nrow(ss)
    attr(ss, "traps") <- ll
jaroyle/SCRbayes documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:48 p.m.