SCRdesign: Computes quasi-optimal (aka "good") spatial capture-recapture...

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SCRdesignR Documentation

Computes quasi-optimal (aka "good") spatial capture-recapture designs


This function finds the optimal design for a given state-space (grid of points) and potential trap locations (also a grid of points) by minimizing an objective function that is related to expected information provided by a design. For crit = 1, the designs maximize the expected encounter probability of an individual given the state-space and hence maximizes the expected sample size of individuals. For crit = 2 the p2bar criterion is maximized (probability of encounter in 2 or more traps).


SCRdesign(S = S, all.traps = C, clusters = NULL, fix = NULL, clust.mids = clust.mids, ntraps = 9, ndesigns = 10, nn = 19, beta0 = -0.6, sigma = 2, crit = 2)



State-space object, a G x 2 matrix.


Candidate trap locations, n x 2 matrix.


Logical. Preserve specified cluster structure of traps.


A matrix of trap coordinates to include in the design. (these count toward the total number of traps)


Definition of clusters. This is an ntraps x 3 matrix where each row corresponds to the trap location and cluster ID of the trap. i.e., clust.mids[i,1:2] are the coordinates and clust.mids[i,3] is the cluster ID. If this is provided then the internal function ¡®make.clust.mids(C,S)¡¯ uses the mid point of the cluster to determine exchange updates of the cluster.


The number of traps in the design.


The algorithm uses a swapping algorithm based on a random initial design. ndesigns is the number of random starts to use as initial designs. The algorithm does one optimization for each initial design.


The number of nearest-neighbors to consider in the exchange algorithm.


Intercept in the encounter model (log-encounter rate scale).


Half normal detection model scale parameter.


Integer 1-2 specifying which criterion to optimize. criterion 1 maximizes pbar (by minimizing 1-pbar). Criterion 2 maximizes p2bar.


Chris Sutherland and Andy Royle


Royle et al. (2014), Chapter 10; Sutherland et al. (2018)


# Find optimal pbar and p2bar designs and simulate the performance of MLEs

# Set population size
N <- 50
D <- N/area

# Define parameters (should pass these as arguments)
 p0 <- 0.2                            #baseline encounter probability
 sigma <- 0.8                         #scale factor of detection function
 K <- 3                               # sampling occasions
 lam0<- K*p0
 # for the Poisson model this is approximately exp(beta0) = 0.2*3
 # Simulator function needs modified to allow for the Poisson model.
 # SCRdesign ONLY does the Poisson model.

# Define the state-space as 13 by 13 units
xlim <- c(0, 13)
ylim <- c(0, 13)
area <- diff(xlim)*diff(ylim)

rr <- 0.5
# Make the state space
myss <- expand.grid(X = seq(xlim[1]+rr/2, xlim[2]-rr/2,rr),
                        Y = seq(ylim[1]+rr/2, ylim[2]-rr/2,rr))
myss<- as.matrix(myss)

rr<- 0.33
mytraps<- as.matrix( expand.grid(X = seq(xlim[1]+rr/2, xlim[2]-rr/2,rr),
                        Y = seq(ylim[1]+rr/2, ylim[2]-rr/2,rr))   )

#CHANGE TO p2bar
Qfn<- p2bar.fn

 tmp1<- SCRdesign(statespace = myss, 
                      all.traps = mytraps, 
                      ntraps = 36, nn = 23, ndesigns = 2,
                      sigma = 1.30, beta0 = log(lam0), crit = 1)

 tmp2<- SCRdesign(statespace = myss, 
                      all.traps = mytraps, 
                      ntraps = 36, nn = 23, ndesigns = 2,
                      sigma = 1.30, beta0 = log(lam0), crit = 2)


traps1<- tmp1$Xlst[[1]]
traps2<- tmp2$Xlst[[1]]

#Create a simulator function
simulator<- function(traps , nsim) {

  simout1<- matrix(NA,nrow=nsim,ncol=7) #create empty matrix for output
  colnames(simout1)<- c("p0","sig","d0","nind", "avg.caps","avg.spatial","mmdm")

  for(sim in 1:nsim){
    print(paste("Simulation Number", sim, sep = " ")) # keep track

    # Generate home range centers
    s <- cbind(runif(N, xlim[1], xlim[2]), runif(N, ylim[1],ylim[2]) )
    rr <- 0.5

    # Make the state space
    myss <- expand.grid(X = seq(xlim[1]+rr/2, xlim[2]-rr/2,rr),
                        Y = seq(ylim[1]+rr/2, ylim[2]-rr/2,rr))
    cat("size of state-space: ", nrow(myss), " pixels", fill=TRUE)
    myss$Tr <- 1
    myss <- list(myss)
    class(myss) <- "ssDF"

    # individual-trap distance matrix
    D <- e2dist(s,traps)

    # Compute detection probabilities:
    pmat <- p0*exp(-D*D/(2*sigma*sigma)) #p for all inds-traps p_ij
    ntraps <- nrow(traps)
    y <- array(0, dim=c(N, ntraps, K)) # empty 3D array (inds by traps by occ)

    for(i in 1:N){# loop through each individual/activity center
      for(j in 1:ntraps){# loop through each trap
        y[i,j,1:K]<- rbinom(K, 1, pmat[i,j]) # y ~ binomial(p_ijk)


    ncap <- apply(y,c(1), sum)       # sum of captures for each individual
    y<- y[ncap>0,,]                  # reduce the y array to include only captured individuals

    # Some summary information, that is actually printed for you later with "print(scrFrame)"
    caps.per.ind.trap<- apply(y,c(1,2),sum) #shows # capts for each indv across all traps

    # Make the SCRframe
    colnames(traps)<- c("X","Y")
    sf <- make.scrFrame(caphist=list(y), traps=list(traps))

    plot(myss) # plot the state space
    spiderplot(y = sf$caphist[[1]], traps, add=TRUE)

    # Fit a basic model SCR0
    out1 <-,p0~1,sig~1), scrFrame = sf, ssDF=myss, trimS = 4*sigma)

    stats <- print(sf)[[1]]  # pulls avg caps, avg spatial caps, and mmdm
    est <- out1$outStats$mle       # pulls p0, sigma, and d0 estimates from the model
    simout1[sim,] <- c(plogis(est[1]), exp(est[2]), exp(est[3]), dim(y)[1], stats)


# simulate pbar design
simout1<- simulator(traps1 ,nsim=50)   # runs simulation on the first design
# simulate p2bar design
simout2<- simulator(traps2 ,nsim=50)   # runs simulation on the first design

colMeans(simout1) #shows average values of the estimates
apply(simout1,2,sd) #calculates standard deviation of all the estimates

jaroyle/oSCR documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 12:46 p.m.