
Defines functions get_bs

Documented in get_bs

#' Mean bias score
#' \code{get_bs} returns the mean difference between congruent and incongruent
#' trials.
#' Attention bias tasks such as the dot probe consist of congruent trials
#' (CTs), in which the location of the probe matches the location of an
#' emotional stimulus, and incongruent trials (ITs), in which the location of
#' the probe matches the location of the neutral stimulus. \code{get_bs}
#' calculates a traditional bias score by taking the mean reaction time of all
#' CTs and subtracting it from the mean reaction time of all ITs, i.e.,
#' \eqn{bias = IT - CT}, with the option to use weighted means based on prior
#' trial weights.
#' @param RT A numeric vector of reaction times in chronological order.
#' @param congruent A logical vector equal in length to \code{RT} that indicates
#'  whether the corresponding entry of \code{RT} is a congruent (\code{TRUE}) or
#'  incongruent (\code{FALSE}) trial, i.e., whether the probe location matches
#'  the location of the stimulus expected to elicit attention bias.
#' @param prior_weights Optional numeric vector of prior weights indicating the
#'  relative influence that each trial should have on the calculation of
#'  mean bias, in the event that there is reason to weight some trials more than
#'  others when calculating their mean.
#' @return A length-one numeric vector corresponding to the mean, or optionally
#'  weighted mean, bias score.
#' @examples
#' # Create example time series of 10 reaction times in ms:
#' rt <- sample(100:1000, 10)
#' # Create example trial types of congruent vs. incongruent for above measures:
#' congruent <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), 10, replace = TRUE)
#' get_bs(rt, congruent)

#' @seealso \code{\link{get_tlbs}} for trial-level bias score
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @export

get_bs <- function(RT, congruent, prior_weights = NULL){
  if(length(RT) != length(congruent))
    stop("RT and congruent must contain the same number of trials.")
  if(typeof(congruent) != "logical")
    stop("congruent must be a logical vector (TRUE or FALSE)")
  if(is.null(prior_weights)) prior_weights <- rep(1, length(RT))
  min_wt <- min(prior_weights, na.rm = T)
  if(min_wt <= 0) prior_weights <- prior_weights + abs(min_wt) + 1
  prior_weights[is.na(prior_weights)] <- 0
  CT <- RT[congruent]
  IT <- RT[!congruent]
  CT_weights <- prior_weights[congruent]
  IT_weights <- prior_weights[!congruent]

  weighted.mean(IT, IT_weights, na.rm = T) -
    weighted.mean(CT, CT_weights, na.rm = T)
jashu/itrak documentation built on May 9, 2020, 1:57 p.m.