edfR: edfR: Import from SR Eyelink EDF files

edfRR Documentation

edfR: Import from SR Eyelink EDF files


edfR allows one to import data from SR Research Eyelink EDF files. This includes event-wise (fixations, saccades, blinks) as well as continuous samples (e.g., pupil diameter). You MUST install the Eyelink Developer's Kit (edfapi) in order for this to work. You can download from the SR-Research support forum (https://www.sr-support.com/forumdisplay.php?17-EyeLink-Display-Software)

Basic Importing

  • edf.events imports events (fixations by default, but any event can be specified).

  • edf.samples imports sample data including gaze location and pupil diameter

  • edf.messages imports messages, including those sent to Eyelink during an experiment

  • edf.recordings imports recording information.

Importing More Information

  • edf.all imports events, messages, and (optionally) samples

  • edf.trials does the same as edf.all but in a trial-wise manner. Trials are determined by the starting and stopping of the eye tracker during an experiment. It also adds an 'eyetrial' variable to all events/samples to facilitate merging with behavioral data


  • edf.batch batch import many edf files and save files for R or Matlab

  • combine.eyedata take the result of edf.batch and combine into data frames for entire group

  • edf.plot quickly create a fixation plot from an EDF file

  • epoch.samples take sample data and create epochs relative to a time-locking event

  • edf.trialcount quickly returns the number of trials in a named EDF file with little overhead

  • eventmask internal function. adds event-relevant binary variables to sample data.


Jason Hubbard, hubbard3@uoregon.edu, Guenther, T. and von der Malsburg, T.

jashubbard/edfR documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 5:18 p.m.