
Defines functions hasOriginalEditingOptions plotEditing optionsDiff validateOptions isCoordFlipped `%|W|%` `%|NW|%`

Documented in plotEditing

# - drop limits from modifyable options?
# - introduce expand as option?
# - breaks[1] >= limits[1] ? expand[1] = breaks[1] - limits[1]] : expands[1] <- 0
# better handling of non-standard ggplot scales
# for example, breaks may be NULL, waiver(), a numeric vector, or a function
# - testing with vdiffr. test if original plot is retrieved by applying original options after editing plot
# - probably use limits
# - rename "title" to "name"?

# for multiple panel plots, examine https://github.com/zeehio/facetscales to manipulate individual axes.

#' @importFrom ggplot2 layer_scales is.ggplot ggplot_build

`%|NW|%` <- function(a, b) if (!(is.null(a) || is.waive(a))) a else b
`%|W|%`  <- function(a, b) if (                !is.waive(a)) a else b

isCoordFlipped <- function(x) inherits(x, "CoordFlip")

validateOptions <- function(newOptions, oldOptions) {

  if (!is.list(newOptions)) {
    stop2("options should be an R list or a json string!")

  if (newOptions[["xAxis"]][["type"]] != oldOptions[["xAxis"]][["type"]] ||
      newOptions[["yAxis"]][["type"]] != oldOptions[["yAxis"]][["type"]]) {
    stop2("The axis type in the new options list does not match the graph!")


optionsDiff <- function(new, old) {

  # do we really need this function? reassigning is not too bad...
  tempFun <- function(nm, new, old) !identical(new[[nm]], old[[nm]])

  new[["xAxis"]][["settings"]] <- new[["xAxis"]][["settings"]][
    vapply(names(new[["xAxis"]][["settings"]]), tempFun,
      FUN.VALUE = logical(1L),
      new = new[["xAxis"]][["settings"]], old = old[["xAxis"]][["settings"]],

  new[["yAxis"]][["settings"]] <- new[["yAxis"]][["settings"]][
    vapply(names(new[["yAxis"]][["settings"]]), tempFun,
           FUN.VALUE = logical(1L),
           new = new[["yAxis"]][["settings"]], old = old[["yAxis"]][["settings"]],
           USE.NAMES = FALSE


#' @title Edit a plot
#' @param graph a ggplot2 object
#' @param newOptions an options list
#' @export
plotEditing <- function(graph, newOptions) {

  if (!is.ggplot(graph))
    stop2("graph should be a ggplot2")

  if (isTRUE(newOptions[["resetPlot"]])) {
    if (hasOriginalEditingOptions(graph)) {
      return(Recall(graph, as.list(graph[["plot_env"]][[".____originalPlotEditingOptions____"]])))
    } else {

  ggbuild     <- ggplot_build(graph)
  # TODO: first check if plot was previously edited, if so use those options
  oldOptions  <- plotEditingOptions(ggbuild)
  validateOptions(newOptions, oldOptions)

  # CONSIDER: since a diff takes place here and some options may interact, logic should be moved outside of
  # internalUpdateAxis and into earlier functions. internalUpdateAxis then no longer needs to be an S3 method.
  # diffOptions <- optionsDiff(newOptions, oldOptions)

  # could be a loop over all scales from e.g., facetted plots
  currentAxis <- ggbuild[["layout"]][["get_scales"]](1L)

  # origNewOptions is be saved in the plot environment, whereas the other code may modify newOptions
  origNewOptions <- newOptions
  if (isCoordFlipped(ggbuild[["layout"]][["coord"]])) {
    currentAxis[["x"]][["position"]] <- remapPositionOfFlippedPlot(currentAxis[["x"]][["position"]])
    currentAxis[["y"]][["position"]] <- remapPositionOfFlippedPlot(currentAxis[["y"]][["position"]])
    newOptions[c("xAxis", "yAxis")] <- newOptions[c("yAxis", "xAxis")]

  graph <- graph + internalUpdateAxis(currentAxis[["x"]], newOptions[["xAxis"]][["settings"]])
  graph <- graph + internalUpdateAxis(currentAxis[["y"]], newOptions[["yAxis"]][["settings"]])

  # 'remember' if an edited plot had options set to automatic or manual
  newOptions[["resetPlot"]] <- FALSE
  env <- list2env(list(oldOptions = origNewOptions), parent = emptyenv())
  if (!hasOriginalEditingOptions(graph))
    graph[["plot_env"]][[".____originalPlotEditingOptions____"]] <- oldOptions
  graph[["plot_env"]][[".____plotEditingOptions____"]] <- env



hasOriginalEditingOptions <- function(graph) !is.null(graph[["plot_env"]][[".____originalPlotEditingOptions____"]])
jasp-stats/jaspGraphs documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:33 a.m.