  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  warning = FALSE,
  message = TRUE,
  out.width = "100%"

Data preparation

laggedcor needs two time-series data and their corresponding time.

The demo data can be from laggedcor.

data("step_data", package = "laggedcor")
data("heart_data", package = "laggedcor")

time_plot(x = step_data$step, time = step_data$time)
time_plot(x = heart_data$heart, time = heart_data$time)

Calculate lagged correlation

Then we calculate the lagged correlations between step and heart rate.


The time-series data with less number of time point should be set as x.

x = step_data$step
time1 = step_data$time

y = heart_data$heart
time2 = heart_data$time
result = 
  calculate_lagged_correlation(x = x, 
                               y = y,
                               time1 = time1, 
                               time2 = time2, 
                               time_tol = 0.2, 
                               step = 2 / 60, 
                               min_matched_sample = 10, 
                               threads = 5, 
                               cor_method = "spearman")

The parameters of calculate_lagged_correlation;

Result of lagged correlation


We can see that the index of max correlation is 11 and index of global correlation is 12, means that the max correlation is achieved from a shifted time.

Result of lagged correlation

extract_max_cor(object = result)
extract_global_cor(object = result)

We can see that when the shift time is "(-1.5,-0.5]", we get the max correaltion: 0.58. This means x (step) changes before y (heart rate).

extract_shift_time(result, numeric = TRUE)
extract_shift_time(result, numeric = FALSE)

Evaluate the quality of lagged correlation

evaluate_lagged_cor(object = result, plot = TRUE)

Some results

lagged_scatter_plot(object = result, hex = TRUE, which = "global")
lagged_scatter_plot(object = result, hex = TRUE, which = "max")
lagged_alignment_plot(object = result, which = "global", x_limit = c(1,50000))

jaspershen/laggedcor documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 3:44 p.m.