
Defines functions SSNreachNei

Documented in SSNreachNei

#           SSNreachNei

#' Function for finding neighboring reaches in SpatialStreamNetwork Objects
#' Function for finding neighboring reaches in SpatialStreamNetwork Objects
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link[=SpatialStreamNetwork-class]{SpatialStreamNetwork}}.
#' @return a sparse matrix with indicators of neighboring reaches.  
#' The rownames and column names are included, and match those from the 
#' rownames of the reaches in the \code{\link[=SpatialStreamNetwork-class]{SpatialStreamNetwork}} object.
#' @author Jay Ver Hoef
#' @export

SSNreachNei = function(object)
  liNeighFun = function(x, SL) {
      rgeos::gTouches(SpatialLines(list(x)), spgeom2 = SL, byid = TRUE)
  SL = as.SpatialLines(object)
  SLlist = SL@lines
  ReachNei = sapply(SLlist, liNeighFun, SL = SL)
  colnames(ReachNei) = object@data$rid
  rownames(ReachNei) = object@data$rid
  ReachNei = Matrix::Matrix(ReachNei, sparse = TRUE)
jayverhoef/fluvgrm documentation built on Jan. 20, 2020, 7:54 p.m.