add_dummy_variables | Add Dummy Variables for Piecewise Linear Models |
add_l2 | Add level-2 data | | Creating a long format data frame from several single-case... |
as_scdf | as_scdf |
autocorr | Autocorrelation for single-case data |
batch_apply | Apply a function to each element in an scdf. |
between_smd | Between-Case Standardized Mean Difference |
bplm | Bayesian Piecewise Linear Model |
cdc | Conservative Dual-Criterion Method |
coef.sc_plm | Extract coefficients from plm/hplm objects |
combine | Combine single-case data frames |
convert | Convert |
corrected_tau | Baseline corrected tau |
deprecated-functions | List of old deprecated function names |
describe | Descriptive statistics for single-case data |
design | Generate a single-case design matrix |
dot-inheritParams | Dummy function to inherit global descriptions of parameters |
estimate_design | Estimate single-case design |
example_data | Single-case example data |
export | Export scan objects to html or latex |
fill_missing | Replacing missing measurement times in single-case data |
hplm | Hierarchical piecewise linear model / piecewise regression |
ird | IRD - Improvement rate difference |
is.scdf | scdf objects Tests for objects of type "scdf" |
mplm | Multivariate Piecewise linear model / piecewise regression |
na.omit.scdf | scdf objects Removes any row with a missing value |
nap | Nonoverlap of all Pairs |
outlier | Handling outliers in single-case data |
overlap | Overlap indices for single-case data |
pand | Percentage of all non-overlapping data |
pem | Percent exceeding the median |
pet | Percent exceeding the trend |
pipe | Pipe |
plm | Piecewise linear model / piecewise regression |
plot_rand | Plot random distribution |
plot.scdf | (Deprecated) Plot single-case data |
pnd | Percentage of non-overlapping data |
power_test | Empirical power analysis for single-case data | | Print methods for scan objects |
print.scdf | Print an scdf |
random_scdf | Single-case data generator |
rand_test | Randomization Tests for single-case data |
ranks | (Deprecated) Rank-transformation of single-case data files |
rci | Reliable change index |
read_scdf | Load single-case data from files |
rescale | Rescales values of an scdf file |
sample_names | Samples random names |
scan-package | Single-Case Data Analyses |
scdf | Single case data frame |
scdf_attr | Set and get scdf attributes |
select_cases | Select a subset of cases |
select_phases | Select and combine phases for overlap analyses |
set_vars | Set analysis variables in an scdf |
shift | Shift values in a single-case data file |
shinyscan | A Shiny app for scan |
smd | Standardized mean differences |
smooth_cases | Smoothing single-case data |
standardize | Standardize values of an scdf file |
style_plot | (Deprecated) Create styles for single-case data plots |
subset.scdf | Subset cases, rows, and variables |
Subsetting | Select an scdf |
summary.scdf | Summary function for an scdf |
tau_u | Tau-U for single-case data |
transform.scdf | Transform every single case of a single case data frame |
trend | Trend analysis for single-cases data |
truncate_phase | Truncate single-case data |
write_scdf | Data output |
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