Man pages for jazznbass/scan
Single-Case Data Analyses for Single and Multiple Baseline Designs

add_dummy_variablesAdd Dummy Variables for Piecewise Linear Models
add_l2Add level-2 data a long format data frame from several single-case...
autocorrAutocorrelation for single-case data
batch_applyApply a function to each element in an scdf.
between_smdBetween-Case Standardized Mean Difference
bplmBayesian Piecewise Linear Model
cdcConservative Dual-Criterion Method
coef.sc_plmExtract coefficients from plm/hplm objects
combineCombine single-case data frames
corrected_tauBaseline corrected tau
deprecated-functionsList of old deprecated function names
describeDescriptive statistics for single-case data
designGenerate a single-case design matrix
dot-inheritParamsDummy function to inherit global descriptions of parameters
estimate_designEstimate single-case design
example_dataSingle-case example data
exportExport scan objects to html or latex
fill_missingReplacing missing measurement times in single-case data
hplmHierarchical piecewise linear model / piecewise regression
irdIRD - Improvement rate difference
is.scdfscdf objects Tests for objects of type "scdf"
mplmMultivariate Piecewise linear model / piecewise regression
na.omit.scdfscdf objects Removes any row with a missing value
napNonoverlap of all Pairs
outlierHandling outliers in single-case data
overlapOverlap indices for single-case data
pandPercentage of all non-overlapping data
pemPercent exceeding the median
petPercent exceeding the trend
plmPiecewise linear model / piecewise regression
plot_randPlot random distribution
plot.scdf(Deprecated) Plot single-case data
pndPercentage of non-overlapping data
power_testEmpirical power analysis for single-case data
print.scPrint methods for scan objects
print.scdfPrint an scdf
random_scdfSingle-case data generator
rand_testRandomization Tests for single-case data
ranks(Deprecated) Rank-transformation of single-case data files
rciReliable change index
read_scdfLoad single-case data from files
rescaleRescales values of an scdf file
sample_namesSamples random names
scan-packageSingle-Case Data Analyses
scdfSingle case data frame
scdf_attrSet and get scdf attributes
select_casesSelect a subset of cases
select_phasesSelect and combine phases for overlap analyses
set_varsSet analysis variables in an scdf
shiftShift values in a single-case data file
shinyscanA Shiny app for scan
smdStandardized mean differences
smooth_casesSmoothing single-case data
standardizeStandardize values of an scdf file
style_plot(Deprecated) Create styles for single-case data plots
subset.scdfSubset cases, rows, and variables
SubsettingSelect an scdf
summary.scdfSummary function for an scdf
tau_uTau-U for single-case data
transform.scdfTransform every single case of a single case data frame
trendTrend analysis for single-cases data
truncate_phaseTruncate single-case data
write_scdfData output
jazznbass/scan documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 3:39 a.m.