power_test: Empirical power analysis for single-case data

View source: R/power_test.R

power_testR Documentation

Empirical power analysis for single-case data


Conducts a Monte-Carlo study on the test-power and alpha-error probability of a statistical function.


  method = c("plm_level", "rand", "tauU"),
  effect = "level",
  n_sim = 100,
  design_is_one_study = TRUE,
  alpha_test = TRUE,
  power_test = TRUE,
  binom_test = FALSE,
  binom_test_alpha = FALSE,
  binom_test_power = FALSE,
  binom_test_correct = FALSE,
  ci = FALSE,
  alpha_level = 0.05



An object returned from the design function.


A (named) list that defines the methods the power analysis is based on. Each element can contain a function (that takes an scdf file and returns a p value) or a character string (the name of predefined functions). default method = list("plm_level", "rand", "tauU") computes a power analysis based on tau_u(), rand_test() and plm() analyses. (Further predefined functions are: "plm_slope", "plm_poisson_level", "plm_poisson_slope", "hplm_level", "hplm_slope", "base_tau".


Either "level" or "slope". The respective effect of the provided design is set to 0 when computing the alpha-error proportion.


Number of sample studies created for the the Monte-Carlo study. Default is n = 100. Ignored if design_is_one_study = FALSE.


If TRUE, the design is assumed to define all cases of one study that is repeatedly randomly created n_sim times. If false, the design is assumed to contain all cases from which a random sample is generated. This is useful for very specific complex simulation studies.


Logical. If TRUE, alpha error is calculated.


Logical. If TRUE, power is calculated.


Shortcut. When set TRUE, binom_test_power is set to 0.80, binom_test_alpha is set to 0.05, and binom_test_correct is set to 0.875.


Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, a binomial test is calculated testing if the alpha error proportion is less than the provided value.


Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, a binomial test is calculated testing if the power is greater than the provided value.


Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, a binomial test is calculated testing if the correct proportion is greater than the provided value.


Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, confidence intervals at the provided level are calculated for power, alpha error, and correct proportions.


Alpha level used to calculate the proportion of significant tests. Default is alpha_level = 0.05.


Based on a design() object, a large number of single-cases are generated and re-analyzed with a provided statistical function. The proportion of significant analyzes is the test power. In a second step, a specified effect of the design object is set to 0 and again single-cases are generated and reanalyzed. The proportion of significant analyzes is the alpha error probability.


Juergen Wilbert

See Also

random_scdf(), design()


## Assume you want to conduct a single-case study with 15 measurements
## (phases: A = 6 and B = 9) using a highly reliable test and
## an expected level effect of d = 1.4.
## A (strong) trend effect is trend = 0.05. What is the power?
## (Note: n_sims is set to 10. Set n_sims to 1000 for a serious calculation.)
design <- design(
  n = 1, phase_design = list(A = 6, B = 9),
  rtt = 0.8, level = 1.4, trend = 0.05
power_test(design, n_sim = 10)

## Would you achieve higher power by setting up a MBD with three cases?
design <- design(
  n = 3, phase_design = list(A = 6, B = 9),
  rtt = 0.8, level = 1.4, trend = 0.05
power_test(design, n_sim=10, method=list("hplm_level", "rand", "tauU_meta"))

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