
Defines functions .mc_scdf power_test

Documented in power_test

#' Empirical power analysis for single-case data
#' Conducts a Monte-Carlo study on the test-power and alpha-error probability of
#' a statistical function.
#' Based on a [design()] object, a large number of single-cases are generated
#' and re-analyzed with a provided statistical function. The proportion of
#' significant analyzes is the test power. In a second step, a specified effect
#' of the design object is set to 0 and again single-cases are generated and
#' reanalyzed. The proportion of significant analyzes is the alpha error
#' probability.
#' @param design An object returned from the `design` function.
#' @param method A (named) list that defines the methods the power analysis is
#'   based on. Each element can contain a function (that takes an scdf file and
#'   returns a p value) or a character string (the name of predefined
#'   functions). default `method = list("plm_level", "rand", "tauU")` computes a
#'   power analysis based on [tau_u()], [rand_test()] and [plm()] analyses.
#'   (Further predefined functions are: "plm_slope", "plm_poisson_level",
#'   "plm_poisson_slope", "hplm_level", "hplm_slope", "base_tau".
#' @param effect Either "level" or "slope". The respective effect of the
#'   provided design is set to 0 when computing the alpha-error proportion.
#' @param n_sim Number of sample studies created for the the Monte-Carlo study.
#'   Default is `n = 100`. Ignored if design_is_one_study = FALSE.
#' @param design_is_one_study If TRUE, the design is assumed to define all cases
#'   of one study that is repeatedly randomly created `n_sim` times. If false,
#'   the design is assumed to contain all cases from which a random sample is
#'   generated. This is useful for very specific complex simulation studies.
#' @param alpha_test Logical. If TRUE, alpha error is calculated.
#' @param power_test Logical. If TRUE, power is calculated.
#' @param binom_test Shortcut. When set TRUE, binom_test_power is set to 0.80,
#'   binom_test_alpha is set to 0.05, and binom_test_correct is set to 0.875.
#' @param binom_test_power Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, a
#'   binomial test is calculated testing if the power is greater than the
#'   provided value.
#' @param binom_test_alpha Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, a
#'   binomial test is calculated testing if the alpha error proportion is less
#'   than the provided value.
#' @param binom_test_correct Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, a
#'   binomial test is calculated testing if the correct proportion is greater
#'   than the provided value.
#' @param ci Either FALSE or a value. If a value is provided, confidence
#'   intervals at the provided level are calculated for power, alpha error, and
#'   correct proportions.
#' @param alpha_level Alpha level used to calculate the proportion of
#'   significant tests. Default is `alpha_level = 0.05`.
#' @author Juergen Wilbert
#' @seealso [random_scdf()], [design()]
#' @examples
#' ## Assume you want to conduct a single-case study with 15 measurements
#' ## (phases: A = 6 and B = 9) using a highly reliable test and
#' ## an expected level effect of d = 1.4.
#' ## A (strong) trend effect is trend = 0.05. What is the power?
#' ## (Note: n_sims is set to 10. Set n_sims to 1000 for a serious calculation.)
#' design <- design(
#'   n = 1, phase_design = list(A = 6, B = 9),
#'   rtt = 0.8, level = 1.4, trend = 0.05
#' )
#' power_test(design, n_sim = 10)
#' ## Would you achieve higher power by setting up a MBD with three cases?
#' design <- design(
#'   n = 3, phase_design = list(A = 6, B = 9),
#'   rtt = 0.8, level = 1.4, trend = 0.05
#' )
#' power_test(design, n_sim=10, method=list("hplm_level", "rand", "tauU_meta"))
#' @export

power_test <- function(design,
                       method = c("plm_level", "rand", "tauU"), 
                       effect = "level",
                       n_sim = 100,
                       design_is_one_study = TRUE,
                       alpha_test = TRUE,
                       power_test = TRUE,
                       binom_test = FALSE,
                       binom_test_alpha = FALSE,
                       binom_test_power = FALSE,
                       binom_test_correct = FALSE,
                       ci = FALSE,
                       alpha_level = 0.05) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
  mc_fun <- unlist(
      function(x) if (inherits(x, "character")) mc_function(x) else x),
      recursive = FALSE
  # return object
  out <- data.frame(Method = names(mc_fun))
  # power calculation ----------
  if (power_test) {
    out$Power <- .mc_scdf(
      design = design,
      n_sim = n_sim,
      alpha_level = alpha_level,
      mc_fun = mc_fun,
      design_is_one_study = design_is_one_study
  } else
    out$Power <- NA
  # alpha error calculation ----------
  if (alpha_test) {
    #level <- any(sapply(design$cases, function(x) x$level) != 0)
    #slope <- any(sapply(design$cases, function(x) x$slope) != 0)
    design_no_effect <- design
    if (effect == "level") {
      design_no_effect$cases <- lapply(design_no_effect$cases,  function(x) {
        x$level <- rep(0, length = length(x$length))
    if (effect == "slope") {
      design_no_effect$cases <- lapply(design_no_effect$cases, function(x) {
        x$slope <- rep(0, length = length(x$length))
    out$"Alpha Error" <- .mc_scdf(
      design = design_no_effect,
      n_sim = n_sim,
      alpha_level = alpha_level,
      mc_fun = mc_fun,
      design_is_one_study = design_is_one_study
  } else {
    out$"Alpha Error" <- NA
  out$"Alpha:Beta" <- sprintf("1:%.1f", (100 - out$Power) / out$"Alpha Error")
  out$Correct <- (out$Power + (100 - out$"Alpha Error")) / 2
  if (binom_test) {
    binom_test_alpha <- 0.05
    binom_test_power <- 0.80
    binom_test_correct <- 0.875
  if (is.numeric(binom_test_power)) {
    b_test <- function(x) {
      x <- binom.test(round(x / 100 * n_sim), 
        p = binom_test_power, 
        alternative = "greater"
    out[["p_power"]] <- sapply(out$"Power", b_test)
  if (is.numeric(binom_test_alpha)) {
    b_test <- function(x) {
      x <- binom.test(round(x / 100 * n_sim), 
        p = binom_test_alpha, 
        alternative = "less"
    out[["p_alpha"]] <- sapply(out$"Alpha Error", b_test)
  if (is.numeric(binom_test_correct)) {
    b_test <- function(x) {
      x <- binom.test(round(x / 100 * n_sim * 2), 
        n_sim * 2, 
        p = binom_test_correct, 
        alternative = "greater"
      round(x$p.value, 3)
    out[["p_correct"]] <- sapply(out$Correct, b_test)

  if (is.numeric(ci)) {
    b_test <- function(x) {
      x <- binom.test(round(x / 100 * n_sim), 
        p = binom_test, 
        conf.level = ci, 
        alternative = "two.sided"
      x$conf.int * 100
    out[["Power lower"]] <- sapply(out$Power, function(x) b_test(x)[1])
    out[["Power upper"]] <- sapply(out$Power, function(x) b_test(x)[2])
    out[["Alpha Error lower"]] <- sapply(out$"Alpha Error", 
                                         function(x) b_test(x)[1])
    out[["Alpha Error upper"]] <- sapply(out$"Alpha Error", 
                                         function(x) b_test(x)[2])
    b_test <- function(x) {
      x <- binom.test(round(x / 100 * n_sim * 2), 
        n_sim * 2, 
        p = binom_test, 
        alternative = "two.sided"
      x$conf.int * 100
    out[["Correct lower"]] <- sapply(out$Correct, function(x) b_test(x)[1])
    out[["Correct upper"]] <- sapply(out$Correct, function(x) b_test(x)[2])
  attr(out, "computation_duration") <- proc.time() - starttime
  attr(out, "binom_test_alpha") <- binom_test_alpha
  attr(out, "binom_test_power") <- binom_test_power
  attr(out, "binom_test_correct") <- binom_test_correct
  attr(out, "ci") <- ci
  class(out) <- c("sc_power")

.mc_scdf <- function(design, 
                     alpha_level = NA, 
                     design_is_one_study) {

  # Genrate random sample ----------------------------------------------------
  rand_sample <- list()
  if (design_is_one_study) {
    for(i in 1:n_sim) rand_sample[[i]] <- random_scdf(design = design)
  if (!design_is_one_study) {
    tmp <- random_scdf(design = design)
    for (i in seq_along(tmp)) rand_sample[[i]] <- tmp[i]
  # analyse random sample ---------------------------------------------------
  test_function <- function(func) {
    p <- sapply(rand_sample, func)
    mean(p <= alpha_level, na.rm = TRUE) * 100

  out <-  sapply(mc_fun, test_function) 

  # return
jazznbass/scan_develop documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 6:23 a.m.