
Defines functions shift

Documented in shift

#' Shift values in a single-case data file
#' *This function has been superseded by the much more versatile 
#' \code{\link{transform.scdf}} function.*
#' Shifting the values might be helpful in cases where the measurement time
#' is given as a time variable (see example below).
#' @inheritParams .inheritParams
#' @param value Number by which to shift the values
#' @param var Character string with the name of the target variable.
#' Defaults to the measurement time variable.
#' @return A scdf with shifted data
#' @family data manipulation functions
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### Shift the measurement time for a better estimation of the intercept
#' ex <- shift(example_A24, value = -1996)
#' plm(ex)
#' # Please use transform instead:
#' example_A24 |>
#'   transform(year = year - 1996) |>
#'   plm()
shift <- function(data, value, var) {
  .deprecated_warning("transform", "shift")
  if (missing(var)) var <- mt(data)
  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    data[[i]][[var]] <- data[[i]][[var]] + value
jazznbass/scan_develop documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 6:23 a.m.