jbryer/makeR: Package for managing projects with multiple versions derived from a single source repository.

An R package to help manage R projects (e.g. Sweave reports) where multiple versions are created based upon a single source repository. For example, a monthly report where each versions is identitcal with the exception of easily definable parameters (e.g. date ranges for data extraction, title, etc.).

Getting started

Package details

AuthorJason Bryer <jason@bryer.org>
MaintainerJason Bryer <jason@bryer.org>
URL http://jason.bryer.org/makeR http://github.com/jbryer/makeR
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
jbryer/makeR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:02 p.m.