Man pages for jbryer/makeR
Package for managing projects with multiple versions derived from a single source repository.

BuildThis is an internal method and should not be called directly.
builder.cacheSweaveThis function will build Sweave (Rnw) files using the...
builder.knitrThis function will documents using 'knitr'. Since 'knitr' is...
builder.rnwThis function will build Sweave (Rnw) files. Specifically...
builder.rnw.nativeBuild Sweave files using native calls to pdflatex.
builder.texThis function will build LaTeX (tex) files using texti2pdf.
buildVersionThis is an internal method and should not be called directly.
calendarHeatAn R function to display time-series data as a calendar...
checkProjectThis internal method will check to see if the Project class...
env2stringThis function will convert the elements in the given...
getDefaultBuilderReturns the default bulder if none is specified to...
getRSSFeedThis function ruturns an XML tree of the RSS feed from the...
isAutoOpenReturns whether build or released files will be opened...
isAutoSaveReturns whether the PROJECT.xml file is automatically saved.
makeR-packagePackage for managing projects with multiple versions derived...
parseProjectXMLThis is an internal method and should not be called directly.
print.BuildGeneric S3 method to print information about a Build class.
print.ProjectGeneric S3 method to print summary information about a...
print.VersionGeneric S3 method for printing information about a Version...
ProjectAn R package for managing document versions and templates.
releaseVersionThis is an internal method and should not be called directly.
setAutoOpenSets whether built or released files will be opened...
setAutoSaveSets whether the PROJECT.xml file is automatically saved when...
setDefaultBuilderSets the default builder if none is specified to...
varEntryDialogCreates a dialog box using tcl/tk to get input from the user.
VersionThis is an internal method and should not be called directly.
write.ProjectThis is an internal method and should not be called directly.
jbryer/makeR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:02 p.m.