Shiny Applications {#appendix-shiny}

The psa R package includes Shiny applications designed to conduct and explore propensity score analysis.

Propensity Score Analysis Shiny Application

The main PSA Shiny application allows you to conduct all phases of PSA. The application contains several of the datasets discussed in section \@ref(intro-datasets) but you can also upload your own dataset.


Propensity Score Analysis Simulation Shiny Application

The PSA Simulation Shiny application is designed to explore the figures introduced in chapter \@ref(chapter-introduction) for stratification, matching, and weighting. Using the same data simulation procedure used in that chapter, you can control a number of the parameters including treatment effect to explore how the visualizations change and how you can use them to make decisions about treatment effects.


jbryer/psa documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 8:21 a.m.