data(lalonde, package='Matching')
lalonde.mar <- lalonde
lalonde.nmar <- lalonde
treat.rows <- which(lalonde$treat == 1)
control.rows <- which(lalonde$treat == 0)

formu <- treat ~ age + educ + black + hisp + married + nodegr + re74 + re75

Add missingness to the existing data. For the not missing at random data treatment units will have twice as many missing values as the control group.

missing.rate <- .2 # What percent of rows will have missing data
missing.cols <- c('nodegr', 're75') # The columns we will add missing values to
missing.ratio <- 1.5 # Ratio of missingness for treatment-to-control

for(i in missing.cols) {
    lalonde.mar[sample(nrow(lalonde), nrow(lalonde) * missing.rate), i] <- NA
    lalonde.nmar[sample(treat.rows, length(treat.rows) * missing.rate * missing.ratio), i] <- NA
    lalonde.nmar[sample(control.rows, length(control.rows) * missing.rate), i] <- NA
mice.mar <- mice(lalonde.mar[,all.vars(formu)[-1]], m=1, printFlag=FALSE)
mice.nmar <- mice(lalonde.nmar[,all.vars(formu)[-1]], m=1, printFlag=FALSE)
mice.mar.complete <- merge(mice.mar, lalonde.mar, shadow.matrix = TRUE)
mice.nmar.complete <- merge(mice.nmar, lalonde.nmar, shadow.matrix = TRUE)
formu2 <- update.formula(formu, ~ . + nodegr_missing + re75_missing) <- glm(formu2, data = mice.mar.complete, 
                  family = binomial(link = 'logit')) <- glm(formu2, data = mice.nmar.complete, 
                   family = binomial(link = 'logit'))


jbryer/psa documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 8:21 a.m.