
Defines functions toCart

#' Convert a sweep to Cartesian coordinates.
#' From a sweep of radar data as returned by \code{getSweep()}, use
#' bicubic spline interpolation on the polar coordinate side to
#' generate a Cartesian raster of radar reflection intensities.
#' @param sweep: raw sweep object, as returned by \code{getSweep()}
#' @param xlim: 2-element real vector; range of east/west coordinates
#' in metres.  \code{xlim[1]} is the minimum and \code{xlim[2]} is the
#' maximum.  These are offsets relative to the radar's x
#' position. Negative is west, positive is east.
#' @param ylim: 2-element real vector; range of north/south
#' coordinates in metres.  \code{ylim[1]} is the minimum and
#' \code{ylim[2]} is the maximum.  These are offsets relative to the
#' radar's y position. Negative is south, positive is north.
#' @param res: real scalar; desired resolution for output grid, in
#' metres.  This is used for both x and y directions.  Default: 3.6 m
#' @param azires: real scalar; desired angular resolution from input
#' data, in degrees. If the sweep has pulses spaced more closely than
#' desired, they are subselected or averaged according to the
#' \code{mode} parameter.  If the sweep has fewer pulses than
#' required, they are replicated.  Default: 0.25 degrees
#' @param azimode: character scalar "nearest", "mean", or
#' "mean_no_max".  Determines how data are reduced to the desired
#' \code{azires}.  The default, "nearest", means the closest pulse to
#' the desired output azimuth is used.  For "mean", input pulses are
#' grouped with their closest output azimuth, and averaged within
#' these groups.  "mean_no_max" applies the same grouping as "mean",
#' but discards the maximum sample value at each range-slot before
#' taking the mean, thereby eliminating foreign radar pulses.
#' @param interp: character scalar; interpolation mode.  Default, "bicubic", is slow but good for
#' low-noise data.  "linear" is the faster. "nearest" is the fastest.
#' @param bkgd: numeric value to return in portion of matrix outside of radar data.
#' Default: 0.
#' @param cache: environment.  If not \code{NULL}, this is a place to
#' store indexes between repeated calls to \code{toCart} with the same
#' parameter values but different sweep data.  On the first call for a
#' sequence of sweeps, pass a variable which has been assigned a new
#' (empty) environment, e.g. \code{cc <- new.env(); x=toCart(...,
#' cache=cc)}, and then pass the same variable for cache on subsequent
#' calls.  This will speed up conversions by a factor of 20 or so.
#' The cache is only used when \code{interp == "none"}
#' @return numeric matrix; dimensions are \code{ceil(diff(range(ylim))
#' / res} rows by \code{ceil(diff(range(xlim)) / res} columns.  Values
#' are interpolated data values within the range of radar data, and
#' \code{bkgd} outside there.  Each column is a strip of image going
#' from North to South, and the matrix consists of data columns going
#' from West to East.  Also, the matrix has a \code{radar.meta}
#' attribute.  This is a copy of that of \code{sweep} but adds a new
#' item, \code{ts}, which is a two-element vector giving the
#' timestamps for the first and last pulse in the sweep.
#' @note Requires that library akima already be loaded.
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

toCart = function(s, xlim, ylim, res=3.6, azires = 0.25, azimode="nearest", interp="bicubic", bkgd=0, cache=NULL) {
    ## meta data
    meta = attr(s, "radar.meta")
    ## desired azimuths
    theta = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = azires / 360)

    ## number of samples per pulse
    ns = meta$ns

    ## values of input range
    range = meta$res * (seq(from = 0.5, to = ns - 0.5, by = 1))
    ## subselect / replicate the input data according to azimuth mode
    ## this generates the matrix d with appropriate dimensions This
    ## clause must create variables np (number of pulses) and d (data
    ## matrix, with dimensions c(ns, np)), and azi (azimuths of pulses
    # in d.
    if (azimode == "nearest") {
        ## the best pulse for each azimuth
        use = floor(approx(s$azi, 1:nrow(s), theta, method="constant", f=0.5)$y)

        ## drop out-of-range portions
        okay = ! is.na(use)
        ## NB: we specify the desired azi for each pulse, rather than
        ## the one actually selected, to avoid problems when a pulse
        ## is replicated across a few slots due to missing pulses or
        ## an especially large inter-pulse interval
        azi = theta[okay]           
        use = use[okay]
        np = length(use)
        d = matrix(readBin(unlist(s$samples[use]), integer(), size=2, signed=FALSE, n=np * ns), ns, np)

        meta$ts = s$ts[c(use[1], tail(use, 1))]

    } else {
        ## split pulses into groups by proximity to desired azimuths
        pulseGroup = as.integer(round(approx(theta, 1:length(theta), s$azi, method="linear")$y))
        azi = theta[pulseGroup[1]:tail(pulseGroup, 1)]
        pulseGroup = pulseGroup - (pulseGroup[1] - 1L)
        d = .Call("filter_pulses", s$samples, length(azi), pulseGroup, as.integer(nrow(s) / length(azi) * 3),
            if (azimode == "mean") {
            } else if (azimode == "mean_no_max") {

        meta$ts = approx(s$azi, s$ts, azi, method="linear")$y
    ## we now have a matrix d with raw values for ns samples in each of np pulses,
    ## where pulse azimuths are in azi and range cell centres are in range

    ## set up the output grid locations, relative to radar location
    xgrid = seq(from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2], by = res)
    ## Note: reverse order of y axis so that matrix columns go from north to south.
    ygrid = seq(from = ylim[2], to = ylim[1], by = -res)
    ## create output matrix with default background
    nx = length(xgrid)
    ny = length(ygrid)
    rv = matrix(bkgd, ny, nx)

    ## interpolate using the requested method

    switch (interp,
            bicubic = {
                ## replicate the output coordinates for each valid point, varying x faster
                xout = rep(xgrid, each = ny)
                yout = rep(ygrid, times = nx)

                ## range of all desired output points
                rangeout = sqrt(xout^2 + yout^2)
                ## azimuth of all desired output points on scale of 0..1
                aziout = ((pi / 2 - (meta$heading * pi/180) - atan2(yout, xout)) %% (2 * pi)) / (2 * pi)

                keep = which(rangeout <= max(range) & aziout >= azi[1] & aziout <= tail(azi,1))

                ## interpolate
                z = bicubic(range, azi, d, rangeout[keep], aziout[keep])$z

                rv[keep] = z
            linear = {
                if (is.null(cache))
                    cache = new.env()
                if (is.null(cache$rhs)) {
                    ## replicate the output coordinates for each valid point, varying x faster
                    xout = rep(xgrid, each = ny)
                    yout = rep(ygrid, times = nx)
                    ## range of all desired output points
                    rangeout = sqrt(xout^2 + yout^2)
                    ## azimuth of all desired output points on scale of 0..1
                    aziout = ((pi / 2 - (meta$heading * pi/180) - atan2(yout, xout)) %% (2 * pi)) / (2 * pi)

                    azimin = azi[1]
                    azimax = tail(azi, 1)
                    rangemin = range[1]
                    rangemax = tail(range, 1)
                    cache$keep = which(rangeout <= rangemax & aziout >= azimin & aziout <= azimax)
                    ## map aziout to closest input azimuth index
                    aziind = 1 + (aziout[cache$keep] - azimin) * ((length(azi) - 1) / (azimax - azimin))
                    ## map rangeout to closest input range index
                    rangeind = 1 + (rangeout[cache$keep] - rangemin) * ((length(range) - 1) / (rangemax - rangemin))

                    cache$rhs = as.integer(rangeind + aziind * length(range))
                rv[cache$keep] = d[cache$rhs]
    attr(rv, "radar.meta") = meta

jbrzusto/flow documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:44 a.m.