files_from_recv_DB: return a dplyr::tbl of files from a receiver database

Description Usage Arguments Value


return a dplyr::tbl of files from a receiver database


files_from_recv_DB(serno, day = NULL)



character scalar receiver serial number


character scalar day; default NULL


a tbl; one of two flavours, depending on the receiver type and 'day'.

If the receiver is a sensorgnome and day is NULL, the return value has these columns sorted by decreasing day:

For a Lotek receiver, count is always 1, and each row simply indicates that the receiver recorded at least one detection that day. As for sensorgnomes, this flavour of return value is meant to indicate whether the receiver was operating that day.

Otherwise, if 'day' is given, the return value has these columns, sorted by fileID:

For Lotek receivers, this will be a list of all data files; for sensorgnomes, this will only include files from the given day.

jbrzusto/motusServer documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:19 a.m.