files_from_repo: return a dplyr::tbl of files from the file repository for a...

Description Usage Arguments Value Note


return a dplyr::tbl of files from the file repository for a receiver (and maybe specific day)


files_from_repo(serno, day = NULL)



character scalar receiver serial number


character scalar day; default NULL


a tbl; one of two flavours, depending on the receiver type and 'day'.

If the receiver is a sensorgnome and day is NULL, the return value has these columns sorted by decreasing day:

Otherwise, for Lotek receivers or if 'day' is given, the return value has these columns, sorted by fileID:

For Lotek receivers, day is ignored (as long as it is present), and all files for the receiver are listed.


for SG receivers, when both a compressed and un uncompressed version of the file are present, this only counts as one file, and if returning files, the name is returned without a ".gz" suffix, but the size is of the .gz file on disk

jbrzusto/motusServer documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:19 a.m.