Man pages for jcapelladesto/isoSCAN
Automatic Integration for GC-CI-MS Isotope Labeling Data

autoQRead files and quantify isotopologues in low- or...
buildFormulaTableReads and builds FormulaTable file into a data.frame
calcFrCCalculate Fractional Contribution (FrC)
formulaTablesExample data frames input for autoQ function
meanRawPlotRead all scans raw data, calculate average spectrum for all...
metBarPlotCreates a PDF file with barplots per each compound
myFunc.errorbarsMean +- Standard Deviation
QTransformArea or Maxo value transformation
rawPlotRead all scans raw data and plot
simplifybyPpmSimplify data.frame of quantified isotopologues
subNaturalAllCorrects natural abundance
subNaturalM0Corrects natural abundance
sumIsotopologuesSums equivalent isotopologues abundances
jcapelladesto/isoSCAN documentation built on Jan. 30, 2022, 8:36 p.m.