Man pages for jcardenas14/genBART
Generate 'BART' File

clusterDataHierarchical clustering of normalized expression data
crossCorrCross Correlations
gene.symbolsGene Symbols
genFileGenerate and Update BART Result files
genModelResultsGenerate formatted results file
genModScoresGenerate modular (gene set) maps for plotting
metaDataDeclare meta data information for downstream analysis
modulesBaylor Modules
normalizeDataData Normalization
runBartRun BART Shiny App
runQgenRun Q-Gen (generalized QuSAGE) algorithm using gene level...
tb.designMicroarray design file
tb.exprMicroarray data on cynomolgus macaques infected with M....
tb.flowFlow data on cynomolgus macaques infected with M....
tb.flow.desFlow design file
jcardenas14/genBART documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:49 p.m.