longCombat: Longitudinal ComBat R Package

Longitudinal ComBat uses an empirical Bayes method to harmonize means and variances of the residuals across batches in a linear mixed effects model framework. Detailed methods are described in the manuscript:

Beer JC, Tustison NJ, Cook PA, Davatzikos C, Sheline YI, Shinohara RT, Linn KA. (2020) Longitudinal ComBat: A method for harmonizing longitudinal multi-scanner imaging data. NeuroImage. In press.

Install package with: {r, include=FALSE} install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("jcbeer/longCombat")

Note: longCombat currently will not run if tidyverse suite is loaded. This may be fixed in the future. For now, please run longCombat before loading tidyverse.

Contact Joanne Beer with any questions, comments, or suggestions. Feedback is appreciated.

jcbeer/longCombat documentation built on June 26, 2022, 6:47 p.m.