
Defines functions to_long

Documented in to_long

#' Convert wide format weather data to long format
#' @description \code{to_long} transforms wide-formatted data, where each
#' column respresents an observation for a specific day for a specific site, to
#' wide-formatted data, where each row corresponds to an observation for a
#' single day for a specific site.
#' @param data       wide format data
#' @param keep_cols  columns in \code{data} to retain in long format; all other
#' columns will be converted to key/value pairs in long format; defaults to 1.
#' This should most likely correspond to the index of the column containing the
#' site unique identifier
#' @param date_sep   character used to delimit variable prefix from date in
#' column names; defaults to underscore ("_")
#' @details \code{to_long} assumes \code{data} has a column indicating site
#' unique identifier (i.e. a site ID column) and remaining columns are daily
#' measurements of a variable in question (i.e rainfall, temperature).
#' Remaining column names are assumed to have a prefix, a separator character,
#' and date in YYYYMMDD format. For example, rainfall data column names would
#' be something like "rf_19830325". Character strings occuring before
#' delimiter are not used. The character string in column names corresponding
#' to date are used to extract the date (YYYYMMDD).
#' If \code{to_long} encounters invalid dates (e.g. 30 February 1984), such
#' dates will be assigned a value of \code{NA} in resultant data frame and a
#' warning will be thrown.
#' @return data frame where each row corresponds to an observation for a single
#' day. Measurements are in the column \code{value} and date is in the column
#' \code{date}. Measurements retain the class of original data, and date is of
#' class \code{\link[base]{Date}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # to_long is not exported, so we use triple-colon (:::)
#' rain_long <- wxsumR:::to_long(data = rain_2yr)
#' }
#' @import tidyr
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom lubridate as_date
to_long <- function(data, keep_cols = 1, date_sep = "_") {
  # Store names of columns to retain in output
  keep_col_names <- colnames(data)[keep_cols]

  # TODO: Need to check for cases when keep_cols length !=1
  # TODO: What if there is no date separator?
  # Convert to long
  long_data <- data %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(names_to = "col_name",
                        values_to = "value",

  # Parse key column into year, month, day
  long_data <- long_data %>%
    # Start by creating a new column called "date"
    tidyr::separate(col = .data$col_name, into = c(NA, "date"), sep = date_sep) %>%
    # Parse out the separate parts of the date
    dplyr::mutate(year = substr(x = .data$date, start = 1, stop = 4),
                  month = substr(x = .data$date, start = 5, stop = 6),
                  day = substr(x = .data$date, start = 7, stop = 8)) %>%
    # Make a single column for Date
    dplyr::mutate(date = lubridate::as_date(stringr::str_c(.data$year, "-",
                                                           .data$month, "-",
                                                           .data$day))) %>%
    # Drop the year, month, day columns
    dplyr::select(keep_col_names, date, .data$value)

  # Warn users if any date funniness happens
  if (any(is.na(long_data$date))) {
    warning("Some columns could not be parsed into dates; this can occur if text parsing results in impossible dates, such as 30 February 1983")

jcoliver/weathercommand documentation built on Sept. 12, 2021, 3:28 a.m.