

# Setup -----------------------------------------------------------------------

# start project in a tempdir
site_dir <- tempfile("test-wflow_commit-")
suppressMessages(wflow_start(site_dir, change_wd = FALSE))
site_dir <- workflowr:::relative(site_dir)
on.exit(unlink(site_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE))
r <- repository(path = site_dir)

# Test wflow_commit ------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("wflow_commit can commit one new file", {
  f1 <- file.path(site_dir, "f1.txt")
  expect_silent(actual <- wflow_commit(f1, project = site_dir))
  expect_true(f1 %in% actual$commit_files)
  recent <- commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  expect_identical(actual$commit@sha, recent@sha)

test_that("wflow_commit can commit multiple new files", {
  f2 <- file.path(site_dir, "f2.txt")
  f3 <- file.path(site_dir, "f3.txt")
  file.create(f2, f3)
  expect_silent(actual <- wflow_commit(c(f2, f3), project = site_dir))
  expect_identical(actual$commit_files, c(f2, f3))
  recent <- commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  expect_identical(actual$commit@sha, recent@sha)

test_that("wflow_commit creates a commit message", {
  o <- wflow_commit(all = TRUE, dry_run = TRUE, project = site_dir)
                   "wflow_commit(all = TRUE, dry_run = TRUE, project = site_dir)")

  o <- wflow_commit(message = c("a", "b", "c"),
                    all = TRUE, dry_run = TRUE, project = site_dir)
  expect_identical(o$message, "a b c")

  o <- wflow_commit(message = "Example commit message",
                    all = TRUE, dry_run = TRUE, project = site_dir)
  expect_identical(o$message, "Example commit message")

test_that("wflow_commit can commit all tracked files", {
  tracked <- file.path(site_dir, "analysis",
                       c("about.Rmd", "index.Rmd", "license.Rmd"))
  # Create a temporary untracked file that should not be committed
  untracked <- file.path(site_dir, "analysis", "untracked.Rmd")
  for (f in tracked)
    cat("edit", file = f, append = TRUE)
  expect_silent(actual <- wflow_commit(all = TRUE, project = site_dir))
  expect_identical(actual$commit_files, tracked)
  recent <- commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  expect_identical(actual$commit@sha, recent@sha)

test_that("wflow_commit does not affect Git repo if `dry_run = TRUE`", {
  before <- commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  tmp_file <- file.path(site_dir, "tmp.txt")
  expect_silent(wflow_commit(files = tmp_file, dry_run = TRUE,
                             project = site_dir))
  after <- commits(r, n = 1)[[1]]
  expect_identical(after, before)

# Test error handling ----------------------------------------------------------

test_that("wflow_commit fails with invalid argument for files", {
  expect_error(wflow_commit(files = 1, project = site_dir),
               "files must be NULL or a character vector of filenames")
  expect_error(wflow_commit(files = "nonexistent.Rmd", project = site_dir),
               "Not all files exist. Check the paths to the files")

test_that("wflow_commit fails if no files and `all = FALSE`", {
  expect_error(wflow_commit(files = NULL, all = FALSE, project = site_dir),
               "Must specify files to commit, set `all = TRUE`, or both")
  # And that should be the default
  expect_error(wflow_commit(project = site_dir),
               "Must specify files to commit, set `all = TRUE`, or both")

test_that("wflow_commit provides interpretable error message if commit fails", {
  expect_error(wflow_commit(files = file.path(site_dir, "analysis", "about.Rmd"),
                            project = site_dir),
               "Commit failed because no files were added.")
jdblischak/workflowrBeta documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:28 p.m.