
mmdt is an R package for conducting the multi-modal density test, based on the paper "A local group differences test for subject-level multivariate density neuroimaging outcomes" by Dworkin et al. published in Biostatistics. This package creates data structures necessary for applying the method to imaging data, then allows the user to perform the analyses, summarize the results, and create figures for visualization.


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Below is a list of the functions and a description of options available to utilize through the mmdt package. An example of how to run the analysis from beginning to end is given below, in the "Vignette" section.


This function creates an 'mmdt object' from vectors of nifti filenames, subject IDs, and subject group memberships. This information is compiled into a data structure that can be entered into the 'mmdt' function to perform the analysis.

get.mmdt.obj(masks, modal1, modal2, modal3=NULL,
             modal4=NULL, modal5=NULL, modal6=NULL,
             ids, groups, parallel=TRUE, cores=2, pb=TRUE)



This function runs the multi-modal density test (mmdt) using an mmdt object obtained from 'get.mmdt.obj'.

mmdt(mmdt.obj, mins=NULL, maxs=NULL,
     gridsize=NULL, H=NULL, mc.adjust="BH",
     nperm=500, parallel=TRUE, cores=2, pb=TRUE)



This function outputs a summary of the mmdt output, printing whether or not there were significant differences after adjustment for multiple comparisons, and giving the approximate locations of differences within the density space.




This function creates visualizations of the mmdt results (either a t-statistic map or a significance map).

fig.mmdt(mmdt.results, type="significance", 
         mc.adjust="BH", coords=c(NA,NA))


This function maps mmdt results back onto subjects' brain image domains for visualization and exploration purposes., type="t-statistic", mc.adjust="BH",
              mask, modal1, modal2, modal3=NULL, modal4=NULL,
              modal5=NULL, modal6=NULL)



The following gives a simple example of how the functions provided in this package should be used to conduct and summarize the multi-modal density test.

First, an data object should be created using the mmdt.obj function. In this example, we have four subjects, with IDs from 1 to 4. The first two subjects are in group 1, and the last two subjects are in group 2. We can create the mmdt.obj object as follows:

masks = c("mask01.nii", "mask02.nii", "mask03.nii", "mask04.nii")
t1s = c("t101.nii", "t102.nii", "t103.nii", "t104.nii")
flairs = c("flair01.nii", "flair02.nii", "flair03.nii", "flair04.nii")
ids = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
groups = c(1, 1, 2, 2)

mmdt.obj = get.mmdt.obj(masks = masks, modal1 = t1s, modal2 = flairs,
                        ids = ids, groups = groups)

Once we have the mmdt.obj object, we can carry out the analysis using the mmdt function. Here, we will use the defaults for several values, and will therefore not enter them in the function call. We will use the defaults for 1) mins and maxs, which will perform the test over the full space of voxel intensity values, 2) gridsize, which uses the a 151x151 grid for two modalities, and 3) the KDE bandwidth H, which uses a plug-in estimator for each subject.

For the values that we will enter manually, we will correct for multiple comparisons using both Benjamini-Hochberg (for FDR control), and max-t correction with 500 permutations (for FWER control). We will also run the function in parallel, on four cores, with a progress bar.

mmdt.results = mmdt(mmdt.obj, mc.adjust = c("BH", "maxt"), nperm = 500, 
                    parallel = TRUE, cores = 4, pb = TRUE)

Once we have the 'mmdt.results' object in hand, we can summarize the results using the summarize.mmdt function. Here, we simply call the function with the 'mmdt.results' object, and it prints our results to the console.


We can then create vizualization of these results using the fig.mmdt function. We will first visualize the t-statistic map, and then the significance map with Benjamini-Hochberg correction. Since we only used two modalities (T1 and FLAIR), we do not need to enter anything for the 'coords' parameter.

tfig = fig.mmdt(results, type = "t-statistic")

sfig = fig.mmdt(results, type = "significance", mc.adjust = "BH")

Finally, if we want to manually check where the relevant voxel intensity profiles tend to be located in the brain, we can use the function to map the t-statistics or significance values back onto the subjects' brain masks used to run the analysis. We would do this one at a time for each subject, and the example below shows how we would do this for Subject 1. First, we will create a nifti image in which voxels are assigned the t-statistic of their location in the density space, and then we will create a nifti image in which voxels are labeled if they are located at a region of the density space in which there was a significant group difference.

tstat.mask.s1 =, type = "t-statistic",
                              mask = "mask01.nii", modal1 = "t101.nii",
                              modal2 = "flair01.nii")
writeNifti(tstat.mask.s1, file="mmdt.tstat.01.nii.gz")

sig.mask.s1 =, type = "significance",
                            mask = "mask01.nii", modal1 = "t101.nii",
                            modal2 = "flair01.nii")
writeNifti(sig.mask.s1, file="mmdt.sig.01.nii.gz")

There you have it! Feel free to reach out to jordan.dworkin [at] nyspi [dot] columbia [dot] edu if you have any questions about the package.

jdwor/mmdt documentation built on April 7, 2021, 5:17 p.m.