
#' Get the year
#' Get the year
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' year(res)
year <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the month
#' Get the month
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' month(res)
month <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the day
#' Get the day
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' month(res)
day <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the hour
#' Get the hour
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' hour(res)
hour <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the minute
#' Get the minute
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' minute(res)
minute <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the second
#' Get the second
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' second(res)
second <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the wday
#' Get the wday
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' wday(res)
wday <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the yday
#' Get the yday
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' yday(res)
yday <- function(date,CHAR=FALSE){

#' Get the isdst
#' Get the isdst
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' isdst(res)
isdst <- function(date){

#' Get the tzone
#' Get the tzone
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' tzone(res)
tzone <- function(date){

#' Get the part of the POSIXlt date you want
#' Get the part of the POSIXlt date you want
#' @param date POSIXlt
#' @param part "year" "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"
#' @param CHAR boolean as character
#' @keywords timeManip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- YYYYmmddHH_chr("2015010100")
#' getP(res,"month")
getP <- function(date,part,CHAR=FALSE){

     res <- switch(part,
			        "year"  = 1900+date$year,
							"month" = 1+date$mon,
							"day" = date$mday,
							"hour" = date$hour,
							"minute" = date$min,
							"second" = date$sec,
							"wday" = date$wday,
							"yday" = date$yday,
							"isdst" = date$isdst,
							"tzone" = attributes(date)$tzone,
							(message=paste0("part:", part," not taken into account "))
     if ((CHAR) && is.numeric(res)) {
       lgth <- length(res)
       if (lgth) {
          indice <- which(res<10)
          res[which(res<10)] <- paste0("0",as.character(res[which(res<10)]))
       } else if (lgth==1){
          if (res<10) res <- paste0("0",as.character(res))

jeanmarie-eu/timeManip documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:06 p.m.